Episode 4

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Chapter 10

"Mr. Hill!" the woman exclaimed, stepping backwards to let them in. Quickly she locked the door again. "Thank you so very much for coming." Joy radiated from her face.

"I remember you...from somewhere," Mr. Hill said, stroking his scruffy chin thoughtfully. "What's your name again?"

"Sa–" the woman began.

"–rah," Mr. Hill finished. "Sarah!"

Lilly raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"And your last name has to do with the animal family? Am I right?" Mr. Hill asked.

The woman chuckled. "Had to do," she corrected. "It was Bird."

"Aaaahh," Mr. Hill said, clapping his hands together. "I have a great memory!"

Lilly jabbed him lightly in his ribs with her elbow. "Dad, we're here to help. And it's not polite to brag," she whispered.

"Yes. This is my daughter. She moonlights as my corrections officer," Mr. Hill joked to Sarah.

"Lilly's my name," Lilly said with a warm smile while shaking Sarah's outstretched hand.

"And a beautiful name it is," she complimented her. "Nice to meet you!"

Right then, a young man with a worried face and slicked back hair poked his head cautiously around the corner into the room. Catching sight of Mr. Hill, he straightened and fully walked into the room.

"Mr. Hill!" he cried, throwing his arms into the air before breaking out into a lopsided grin. "Thank God you have come!"

"Manchu Carrig!" Mr. Hill said in greeting. "Is that you?"

"I am," the man confirmed, still grinning.

"My, my, you haven't aged a bit. How have things been going? I see you moved back to China."

Lilly raised her eyebrows again.

"Yes," Manchu replied. "First, I married my love, and we are coming up on our third anniversary. As you can see, we have a baby due any day now." He looked adoringly at Sarah. "Afterward," he continued, "we settled here in China as I said I would to start a church in my native land. We have done so and God has blessed us!"

"Excuse me," Lilly said turning to her father. "So you all have met before?"

Mr. Hill nodded in the affirmative before introducing Lilly to Manchu.

"I'd be happy to tell you how we came to know each other," Manchu said quickly before slapping his forehead. "Wait. Where are my manners? Please have a seat."

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