telling the girls that you're pregnant (requested)

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"Can't we tell them today?" Yunjin asked you as you both sat on the sofa in the living room of the dorm. "Y/N, I don't know how much longer I can wait to tell the girls. It's killing me."

"Tell us what?" Kazuha asked as she and the girls appeared in the living room.

You and Yunjin looked at each other, unsure as to what you should say next.

It was still a little early in your pregnancy to start telling people but you also know that it's killing Yunjin to keep this from them.

She wants to celebrate the newest chapter in your lives with her closest friends, her sisters.

And so, even though you were a little nervous to tell them so soon, you decided that it was for the best.

After all, you're struggling to keep it a secret from them too.

"Okay." You told Yunjin, making her grin from ear to ear.

"Girls, sit down. We have something we want to share with you."

The girls all sat down and stared at the two of you, patiently yet curiously waiting to hear what you and Yunjin had to tell them.

"So we have some big news. I know I said I couldn't make it to practice today because I didn't feel well but it was a lie. The truth is, I had to go to the doctor with Y/N."

"Oh. Are you okay, Y/N? Do you feel any better?" Sakura worriedly asked.

"I'm okay. I don't feel great yet but I will soon." You said with a reassuring smile.

"We've got a big secret to share that we've been keeping to ourselves. We went to the doctor's today for Y/N's ultrasound." Yunjin spoke as she pulled something out of her pocket.

"Ultrasound? For what?" Eunchae wondered.

"Look for yourselves." You said, holding back an excited grin as Yunjin clutched your hand after handing the picture from your ultrasound over to Chaewon.

"What is it supposed to be? I only see something the size of a raspberry." Sakura said as she looked closer at the photo.

"That's our baby."

The girls quickly lifted their heads to look at you and Yunjin in shock.

"Y/N's pregnant and that little raspberry-sized thing you see in the picture is our baby." Yunjin proudly spoke.

The girls were quiet for a second as they looked between the two of you and the picture.

"A baby?" Kazuha gasped.

"Oh my god! The first Le Ssserafim baby!" Chaewon squealed.

"You're serious? You're pregnant?" Sakura asked you with a grin.

"We're serious. We're having a baby."

"Oh, we're so happy for you!" Chaewon excitedly said as she came over to hug you both.

"Congrats!" Eunchae smiled as she joined in on the hug.

"I'm going to be the best aunt to this baby. I swear, I'm going to spoil them endlessly." Sakura said.

"You're all going to be wonderful with them. We already know it." Yunjin grinned as she pulled you into her arms.

"Look how tiny. So precious." Chaewon said as she and the girls looked back at the ultrasound photo.

You didn't expect to tell them today but you had no regrets about doing so.

It was even more amazing than you imagined.

They were even happier than you and Yunjin thought they'd be and it warmed your hearts to see them talking so sweetly about your baby, whom you can tell already that they adore.

And you knew that your baby was going to be the happiest baby in the world, with two moms that love them unconditionally and four aunts that will always adore and support them.

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