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Mia's POV
Niall,Me and Harry Were on OOVOO "Are you sure that we can stay" Harry asked me in a worried voice I'm pretty sure Angela won't have no problem with the rest of you guys staying here louis you get your own room Niall and me Share a room and Harry and Angela share a room...I saw Harry Blush and smile a little...
The Next Day...
Angela's POV
So Mia told me that Harry Niall and Louis were all staying in the house with us plus on top of that Harry has to share a room with me great JUST GREAT!..."Hey Angela" I heard Harry say nervously"Hey Harry you excited to move in with us?!" I asked "OF COURSE!! But I have a REALLY important question?" "Shoot" "Well I was wondering if you wanted to well um be my Girlfriend..." There was a 10 second silence "Yes,Yes I will be your girlfriend" He had a giant grin amongst his face...He then picked me up and Whoosed me into the air after that we decided to unpack his stuff...
Two weeks Later...
Harry's POV
Mia and Angela were doing school work while me and Niall weronlytching tv and Louis was taking a nap....We were all relaxing until Angela's phone went off "Its the correctional facility" She said with a worried face "Answer it" Mia says with anger "You should" Niall says agreeing with Mia Then she looks at me "Do it" I say she answers "H-Hello,Leave me alone,What do you want from me,You need to leave me alone,What!,No!," She hung up and started bawling into Mia's white tank top..."What did he say" Mia asked with concern and scared in her voice "Babe just tell us" I say also being concerned for her..."He's getting out in 1 week and going on parol" All our mouths dropped Louis over heard as he was coming down the stairs also had no words...Then Boom Mia storms out the room bawling more then Angela...Niall then follows her 5minutes later...

Mia's POV
No....I thought as heard those words...The guy who cheated,Raped ,and broke me is coming out of jail after only 3weeks....Niall stormed after me 5 mimutes after me "What's Wrong?" He asked trying to calm me down "I just wish he could have stood there for life" I say in frustration"Parol isn't going to help anything" I say in frustration again "Please stop crying you're too beautiful for that...You shouldn't worry you have me now!" I felt a smile come across my lips...We snuggled in my bed and fell into a deep nap until I felt my phone vibrate and then hear the ringtone...Why is the P.O inc calling me ...

(Please don't hate me!!! But yes it is another cliffhanger
Why do you think The P.O inc is calling Mia?
What will they say?
Find out in the next chapter of "The Love I Never Want To Lose"
Love and
Stay Beautiful!!! )

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