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As the crisp air flows through the old Greek style temple, a graceful crow glides through the space, the sound of her wings resonating as she flies towards her destination. In her grasp, she holds a delicate letter, a message entrusted to her by her old friend. With a sense of loyalty and devotion, she makes her way to her mistress, a gothic woman with a striking presence. The crow lands on her shoulder, and the woman looks at her with a warm smile, running a hand through the bird's feathers. She carefully retrieves the letter from the crow's beak, taking a moment to appreciate the elegance of the bird's delivery. Finally, she opens the letter, eager to discover the contents of the message.

Dear Nova,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inform you about our recent developments. As you may know, Manny has chosen Jack Frost to aid us in our mission to defeat Pitch. While Jack was a valuable member of our team, I am saddened to report that Pitch has passed away. Despite this loss, I am proud to say that our collective efforts have resulted in Pitch's defeat. Pitch attempted to harm the children under our protection. I offer my sincerest apologies for any distress this may have caused. Please know that we will continue to work tirelessly to keep those in our care safe and protected.

Warm regards, North

With a look of intense fury etched onto her face, the woman begins to shake violently, her frustration boiling over until she can no longer contain it. With a swift and forceful motion, she swipes her hand across the surface of her desk, sending papers flying in all directions. As if startled by the outburst, the mystical crow that had been perched nearby quickly takes flight and disappears out of view, leaving the woman to stew in her anger.

As the minutes tick by, the temple gradually returns to its previous state of silence, the only sound the faint rustling of wind through the trees outside. Just when it seems as though the woman may have finally calmed down, a sudden, ear-splitting wail pierces the air, echoing through the halls of the temple and causing even the sturdiest of walls to shake in their foundations.

Despite the chaos and upheaval surrounding her, the woman can no longer contain her grief and begins to sob uncontrollably, her body convulsing with the force of her emotions. Almost as if in response to her pain, the plants and foliage around her begin to wither and die, as though reflecting the despair that she feels inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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