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//hybrid wolf wilbur, hybrid bunny reader, Hybrid crow Phil, Hybrid piglin techno,Hybrid raccoon Tommy//
This book has age regression!
Remember no smut! This is a little angsty at the start but basically wholesome
Coughing at the river bank you stopped to grab a drink. You knew the river water was dirty but you had no other option as you didnt have any money or any place to stay, after drinking you cough again feeling worse then before. you knew it was a bad idea to come out to your parents. And in a result you were kicked out. Sitting down on a dry rock you placed your head on your knee's hoping for a little sleep before you had to go look out for berries or any fruit to eat.
But sleep would come hard as you started coughing again.

You stood up and got off the rock to go into the frost to go retrieve some Berries as you were hungry from not eating any food for Over 2 days. And it was not to help you were feeling lightheaded and were obviously sick as hell.
Coughing again you trip over and 'graze' your knee Making you whimper in pain letting your soft bunny ears droop down. But the pain was forgotten when you started violently coughing again making the lightheaded feeling rise more. Standing up you start walking around to find berries ignoring the excruciating pain in your knee. Finally finding a patch of berries you run to them and start eating them. You instantly knew that were raspberries as the sweet tangy taste was in your mouth.
While stuffing the berries down you cough again. Making you fall down again. You feel so horrible now that you were fullish your body focused on the pain in your knee.

Footsteps were heard from behind you but you didn't bother to listen as you were just coughing and crying from the pain. "What are you doing here bunny?" A moto-toned voice grumbled out making your whole body tense and turn. "M sorry sir!" You said frantically. "Get off my Territory!" He said his voice yelled. "M sorry sir!" You repeated, but you were cut off with a cough from you that made the fuzzy feeling push over and you didn't hold back to start sobbing loudly.

I was feeding the horses when I heard loud sobs from the forest direction, I knew techno went out there after seeing something so I went to check it out.
Trotting along my tail swishing behind me I stopped when I saw techno with his sword out standing still. Walking to stand next to him I saw a poor bunny hybrid boy crying his eyes out with an obvious broken knee, and an obvious sickness. "Techno put your sword away." I said walking closer to the crying bunny. "Hey bunny, we are not gonna hurt you" I said crouching infront of him " it seems your knee is broken may we take you home to look after it, we promise we won't hurt you, techno is just a bit mean and scary" I said my voice softening knowing bunny hybrids are more sensitive then others.

You nod and put up your hand for him to carry you, your mind wasn't in the right place as you only wanted to cuddle and play with stuffies, your mind didn't care who it was either.
Wilbur getting the idea picked you up and held you close so you couldn't fall and hurt your knee more.
"Come on little one, you must be tired" he mumbled rubbing small circles on your back to hush you.
"He is clearly a regressor, so be kind techno" Wilbur said giving him a glare. "I wouldn't ever hurt a regressor wilbur you know that." He said frowning placing the sword fully away.

"Go notify Phil, he is the best at these things and after can you get some medication so we can get rid of his cough?" Wilbur said now bouncing you on his hip trying to lure you into a sleep so things would be easier.
You not noticing you slowly pulled your thumb to your mouth and sucked on it for comfort as you fell more sleepy in the hold of the wolf hybrid. Soon enough you were fast asleep In his arms.

"He seems to have fallen asleep so I will bandage his knee and when he awake we can give him a bath. Do you have one of Tommy's pacis for him, his thumb is not clean to be in his mouth" Phil said turning to techno who was holding one of Tommy's old pacifiers that he didn't use.
"Thank you" Phil mumbled while slowly pulling your thumb out and replacing it with the pacifier which you instantly started suckling on.

"He's adorable, why was he out there, do you think he has parents they must be worried sick" Phil said while bandaged your swollen knee. "He was eating all of the raspberries on the bush, he was definitely out for a while without food, so my guess is he might of been kicked out or ran away." Techno said watching over Phil carefully to make sure he didn't hurt you or that you didn't wake up.
Wilbur on the other hand was watching way closer then techno he was scared that you were in pain throughout your slumber. His trance was broken by a tap on his shoulder giving him a fright he turned and faced techno who said "he won't hurt him, he has got the flu and a cold so he will need to stay longer then we expected, I will start making a spare crib and I will go get some more stuff for him". Wilbur nodded and instantly looked back down at you feeling a warm smile fall on his face.

Carefully picking you up he rocked around and hummed a song to himself, he soon found himself on the couch cradling you tight in a possessive manner. He didn't know why but he knew he had to protect you the moment his eyes landed on you. So that what he did.
He knew you would take a while to adjust to this but he also had a feeling that you would get comfortable and a possible new family member was about to be added to the Minecraft household.

thank you for reading this! Have a good time where ever you are, stay safe and remember to drink lots of water and eat something!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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