Twenty One

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Sae didn't necessarily plan to spend his entire first day off picking all his shit off the floor of his hotel room's living room, but alas. That being said, it's not like he had any plans to do anything else either.

He spent a significant amount of time refolding and reorganizing every piece of clothing he owned, making sure the creases looked nice and they went into the proper drawers in the right order. He was semi-meticulous about such things at the best of times, but he was extra meticulous about them this time, for no other reason than it gave him something to focus on.

The clothes were the easy part. The socks, which Shidou had gone out of his way to pull apart, were slightly more irritating. The deliberate opening of the jewellery pouch his bracelets and necklaces lived in before tossing it through the doorway was by far the worst, because it included a full room crawl and a fishing of one of the few rings he owned out from where it had rolled under the couch.

He was an annoying girlfriend. Sae would give him that. But this was hardly crazy.

When Sae just about had the entire room looking as barren and unlived in as it usually did, he noticed this piece of paper folded up by the adjoining door. He just stared at it for a couple seconds, genuinely wondering what it was. He hadn't recalled ever keeping a piece of paper for any reason whatsoever, and had no idea what pocket of what it could have slipped out of. After a few more seconds of stupor, he grabbed at it and unfolded it. Upon reading it, it made a lot more sense.

you're going to regret this, underlashes was written there. Not in his handwriting, either.

Sae gave an unimpressed look to the door. Slightly crazier, he supposed. Still annoying.

There was a surprisingly low amount of hesitation or self judgement as he went into his pocket for his phone and opened the thread that had long since sat silent with Unknown. He took a picture of the note and sent it, followed by


Unknown: <3

Are you going to kill me?

Unknown: maybe...

Unknown: open the door and find out <3

Why would I open the door if you're going to kill me?

Unknown: I said maybe

You are the worst crazy girlfriend on the planet.

Unknown: i'm just getting started

Sae sighed, about to lock his phone and let it go, when another piece of folded up hotel stationary slid under the crack of the door. He couldn't help but think this was a crucial hotel flaw. What if the person on the other side of that door really was a stalker or some crazed fan? A lot of damage could be done through the crack of a door.

But it wasn't any stalker or crazed fan. A dumbass demon was all that sat on the other side.

Sae crouched down to pick up the note, and halfway through the decision, decided to take a seat instead. He unfolded the new note and shook his head as he read it.

you'll never get rid of me

That's it.

I'm getting a restraining order.

Unknown: I'm not scared of a piece of paper

Unknown: and I'm not scared of cops either

You should be.

You'll get locked up.

Probably solitary confinement too.

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