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Brooke's POV

Once we got out the house we were on otw too the doctors because I'm about too be four months already so I need too be check up on .
(At the doctors )

We was sitting in the waiting room and I was soon hungry like u don't even kno

"Babe I'm hungry " I said whineing

"Wait till we get from here" he said rubing my belly

(In the doctors room )

"Ok u know the rutione Mrs.Carter " he said lifting up my shirt and puting on the jelly

"Ok so u hear the heartbeat ;and this is your healthy baby "

"Awww" I said in happy tears

Jojo came over and wiped them and smiled

"allright so have u been having any problems ?"

"Umm I have been experienceing a lot of sharp pains in my stomach ." I said looking at jojo who looked pissed now

"Well hold on mrs.cater I'll be right back too tell you "

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