Just the two of us

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"And cut! That's a wrap everybody." The director said and everyone cheered. We were standing there with our foreheads touching, with tears flowing from our eyes. We then wrapped our arms around each other and hugged each other for approximately 10 minutes or so, with tears still flowing and with sniffles in between. We did it, we finished our first project together. We had brought Akk and Aye to life and now we had to let them go. We were happy but sad at the same time because of the uncertainty of when we will get an opportunity to work with each other again. We then released each other from the hug and we wiped tears from each others cheeks while smiling softly. "We did it Tung, we did it!" First said to Khaotung while cupping his face and then pulled him into another tight hug. After another 5 minutes of hugging they walked hand in hand to the other cast members.

"Hey guys how about we go get dinner and then Kareoke to celebrate the final shooting of the eclipse" Neo suggested. First and Khaotung nodded cheerfully. Neo turned to Louis and Aj and said, "You guys are also joining us, no excuses this time." They both laughed and said "Err we are in." AJ looked at both First and Khaotung who were still holding hands and said "so are you guys gonna keep holding hands the whole night?" Teasing the duo. They let go of their hands and the others laughed at Aj's teasing. Aj and Louis enjoyed teasing  Khao and First, they were probably their biggest shippers.

*At the resturant*

First and Khaotung chose to sit next to each other at the corner of the booth at the restaurant. It was their thing, wherever they went with their friends they always had to sit next to each other, it felt right, it felt natural. The friends were sitting there chatting and reminiscing about the earlier days of the shooting while waiting for their food and drinks. The sound of cheerful and genuine laughter filled the room, First and Khaotung often found themselves lost in their own world whispering to each other earning glances from Aj and Louis. Once their food arrived, they would eat from each other's plate and occasionally feed each other. Even at the Kareoke they would either sing duets together or get lost in their own world whispering to each other and giggling while the others sang.

"These two make a great couple na." Louis said to Aj in his tipsy state. "Definitely!" Aj replied. "Oii what are you guys talking about, they are just friends." Neo chimmed in. "Oi Neo, I don't know if you're are stupid or blind but look at that" Louis said directing Neo at the direction of the two friends who seemed to be lost in their world again.  "Shia they really do look like a couple don't they." Neo said in disbelief. Louis chuckled and questioned Neo, "Truly friend how have you not noticed? This is their usual behavior." Aj added, "Yeah even before they were coupled together they were like this." Neo said "I know, I know but in our world friendship like this is normal isn't it ter?" He said looking at Louis, Aj made a gagging sound before the three of them started laughing.

It was almost 3 am and they were all pretty beat. "How about we all disperse, Tung is pretty tired." First suggested to the other guys while pointing at Khaotung who was clearly hanging by a thread before fully passing out. "Sure, I am pretty beat myself. How are you going to get home First?" Aj asked as First didn't come with his car and his condo was the farthest among them. "I will just drive Tung's car and probably crash at his place." First replied. Aj, Louis and Neo  looked at each other and snickered. "Okay man, text us when you get home." Neo said as he patted First on the shoulder before heading off with the other two. First nodded, then sighed when he turned his attention to Khaotung who had already passed out. He smiled and thought to himself "Only Tung can look this cute in this predicament, he is passed out drunk but but he looks so adorable." He then assisted Khaotung on to his feet and led him to their car.

*Next Morning at Khaotung's apartment"

Khaotung opened his eyes and felt a sharp pain in his head as he tried to move, he saw a bowl filled with soup, a glass of water and what looked like two tablets on the bed counter with a letter which read, drink this, you will feel better." He instantly knew it was from First. He smiled, drank the hangover soup and then chucked the two tables washing them down with the glass of water. He contemplated getting up and showering but he decided against the idea and decided to sleep again.

"Tung! Tung!" He heard a familiar voice call out to him, he  opened his eyes slowly. No headache this time, great I guess the hangover soup and pills worked. Before he could reply First had already entered his bedroom holding Montow (their cat) in his hands. "You are still sleeping? Really? Did you even wake up?" First nagged. "Er meung I did, how else would I have drank your soup." Khaotung replied while he rubbed his eyes. "Okay go take a shower, you are treating me to korean BBQ tonight." First  said, "why am I the one treating you?" Khaotung contested. "Because I dragged your ass home last night and out of the goodness of my heart made you soup to cure you from your hangover. You are welcome by the way" First said dramatically as he put montow down and laid on Khaotung's bed. Khaotung shook his head while smiling and headed off to take a shower.
Hey so that was a small introduction to the world of First and Khaotung . I hope you guys will enjoy reading this. Please excuse my grammar English is only my second additional language also this is all pure fiction. 🐈🐈‍⬛🍊

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