Khaotung's thoughts

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Khaotung slowly opened his eyes glancing around the room being met by eggshell white walls with a picture of a sunflower on the far corner, as his eyes further traced around the walls they met a portrait of First. His eyes lingered longer on the portrait, a smile crept at the corners of his face.

He looked in admiration at the portrait, looked at how First's eyes sparkled even in portrait form. He sat up still with his eyes glued to the portrait. He yawned stretching his arms and closing his eyes. "I should probably wake up." He thought to himself. 

Getting out of bed he headed to the bathroom, he stood by the faucet looking at himself in the mirror. He looked at his reflection, his hair was messy and his eyes were slightly red and puffy. He let out another yawn and reached out for the toothbrush which was place by the sink next to First's. He picked it up and smiled to himself, brushed his teeth looking at his reflection.

He had spent another night and First's like for the 5th day in a row. At this point he should probably just move in. The relationship they had was still unlabeled. All he knew was that they loved each other. First was his safe space, his comfort zone.

Khaotung loved how First would pay special attention to him. How First remembered how likes to take his coffee, and how he hated whipped cream. He liked how First would cut the crust off the bread when he made him a sandwich. He liked how First knew he didn't like certain food so he would eat them instead, or how he would give him his rice because he knew how much Khaotung liked rice.

Khaotung finished brushing his teeth he washed his face and hopped in the shower. He adjusted the water and let the warmth of the water wash away his exhaustion. He lathered shampoo on his hands and slowly massaged his scalp. His mind was clouded with images of First. How First eyes sparkled, and how his brown eyes looked like glazed honey when hit by the ray of sunlight. How First always smiles when he wakes up.

"The first thing he does when he wakes up is smile." Khaotung said to himself. He got out of the shower and saw his towel placed neatly next to First's. He smiled, maybe he should really move here. He took the towel and dried his body and wrapped around his waist before moving into the bedroom.

He rummaged through First's closet and took out one of First's shorts and tank top put them on. First's top had his scent even though it had been washed, the scent of his cologne still lingered on.

He walked to the kitchen ruffling his damp hair. He was hungry, it was late afternoon probably around 3-4pm. He opened the refrigerator door and took out a bottle of orange juice and poured himself a glass. While sipping on the juice he scrolled through the food delivery app deciding what to eat he noticed a container with a small pink note attached to it.

He grabbed the container and read what was written on it. "Tung eat this, don't just drink orange juice and aimlessly scroll through the food delivery app :) " . Khaotung smiled at the thought of how First was able to predict his every move. He opened the container and found a sandwich with the crusts carefully cut off, this made him smile.

He took the container along with the orange juice and walked to the lounge and sat on the couch carefully placing the juice and container on the table. He switched the TV on deciding on what to watch, maybe something on Netflix but he couldn't watch the series he had started because he was watching it with First. Almost everything he wanted to watch he was watching them with First.

Giving up on the idea of watching anything, he scrolled on twitter and saw pictures and videos of First at his solo event. He smiled happily scrolling taking occasional bites of his sandwich and washing it off with the orange juice. He retweeted one post from First's official fanclub and commented on a few of the posts.

He sat there for a while, scrolling on twitter and IG. When he looked at the time, it was already 6pm. He stood up and decided to cook something. He was sure First would appreciate a homemade meal when gets home.

He washed the glass and container. Started taking out ingredients to make dinner. He cooked basil mushroom pasta with shredded chicken salad he hoped First will enjoy. Khaotung was a pretty decent cook.

After cooking, he was busy washing the dishes and utensils he used to cook. The door opened up and a familiar voice said "Tung! You're up." He turned around and was met with the image of a 1.84cm handsome, sparkly brown eyed and pearly white teeth smile First. This image alone made him smile while causing a somersaults of butterflies in his stomach.

"Yeah I cooked. How was the event?" Khaotung replied. First walked towards him and encircled him into an embrace "It was good, but so lonely without you?" First said with a sigh."Are you tired?" Khaotung asked and First nodded. While patting First on the back he said "go take a shower, I will dish up for us na'. Later I will give you a feet rub while we finish that K-drama." First nodded releasing him from the embrace and gently placing a kiss on his forehead. 

After a few minutes Khaotung was done dishing up for them, First came out the shower slightly refreshed with damp hair that curtained slightly over his eyes.  They both sat on the table and started eating. First was really appreciative of the home-cooked meal and kept complimenting Khaotung. He filled Khaotung on the events of his event and Khaotung listened attentively. 

After dinner they both washed the dishes while First kept stealing cheek kisses from Khaotung, making him blush and giggle. 

They were sitting by the couch with Khaotung snuggled up in First's arms. They were watching "Alchemy of souls" the show Khaotung had been resisting to watch all day, and it was a real struggle because the last episode left them in a cliffhanger.  After the episode was over, they looked at each, they held their gaze and First leaned over placing his lips on Khaotung’s, he separated a little leaving a space of less than a centimeter between their lips.

"Kiss me." Khaotung whispered, his warm breathe brushed against First's lips. First noticed Khaotung was breathing deeply, which reminded him that he wasn’t breathing.So caught up in the next move, he’d forgotten to inhale.

First slowly leaned over their lips met, and the moment First’s tongue pressed Khaotung’s ’s lower lip, he parted his mouth like a freshly split–open fig, welcoming First into the warmth of his mouth. First's tongue slipped inside Khaotung’s insistent mouth. Khaotung’s lips tasted like oranges, probably from the orange juice he had drank earlier on.

A moment later, Khaotung’s hands slipped from First's neck as his fingers gripped First's light brown hair. Khaotung’s hands felt like warm embers, raising a fire from within First. First's hand crept to Khaotung’s waist and his chest pressed against Khaotung’s. Finally, Khaotung pulled away slowly and First groaned softly as he kept his eyes clenched shut for a moment afterward.

"Do you want to go to the bedroom?" Khaotung asked looking at First's pink swollen lips. First opened his eyes and lifted them up to meet Khaotung’s gaze. "I thought you would never ask." First replied. Khaotung quickly stood up and hurriedly made his way to the bedroom with First following calling his name laughing.
Thank you for reading this chapter.  Feedback is always appreciated. I will try to update as soon as I can. Rak na jub jub 🐈‍⬛🐈🍊

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