Abu Dhabi last races of the season

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everyone was now in Abu Dhabi for the last 2 races of the season everyone was exited. Y/n posted to her social saying about how everyone is welcome to the party. everyone was taking photo's together and it was funny.

"its nice to see everyone happy and being crazy for a change." "who wouldn't its the last race's of the season." the staff laugh at everyone and everyone had made it to their room's since y/n had a house close to the track they would be staying at her house.

"I'm cooking what do u guys want." "anything will do we love ur cooking." y/n walks into the kitchen and grabs a bunch of different things from the fridge and the cupboards and starts cooking.

after y/n had finished cooking she plates everything up. "food is ready come and get it." everyone had rushed to the kitchen to get the food grabbed a plate and went to sit at the table. y/n walks into the dining room and sat with everyone. "thanx for the food its amazing." "ur welcome."

"so what is our plan for here then as this is the last race of the season." "well the race is in a few day's so until then I sudjest everyone to get enough sleep and to head to the gym to train a bit there. once the F1 race is done I then need to start my street race to see who wins the street championship." "wow ok ur going to be busy on race day." "yep but its nothing for me though."

days had gone by and in though's day's everyone slept good and trained ready for the race. Practise day 1 was going on and everyone was doing there laps coming to pit to change their tires or coming to fill up their car on fuel. y/n and Max had just finished their laps and were in the cool down room. Jayden y/n's training coach was there with them.

"ok so practise one went well we need tomorrow to go smoothly as well." "ok cool has my car arrived here yet." "yes all of the street racer's car's have arrived safely they are currently sorting out the stuff to the car's to make sure everything is fine with it so nothing bad will happen during practise in 2 hours." "ok cool. so everyone is already here car's are here what are we missing." "just need to do the practise test's as none of the car's have been started in a while." "right ok."

2 hours later y/n was back in her driving gear and was getting her car ready for the practise test on the race track. y/n gets into her car and starts off her practise laps. everyone else soon followed to do theirs. hours later the practise laps where done and everyone was happy with their laps and was ready for the race.

everyone was now in the house and S.coups was in the kitchen making food. y/n was with everyone else in the living room talking. "we are so close to being done I can't with the brake." "not the only one." "what is everyone's plan anyway." "I don't know to be honest." "same here." "I have no clue for a change."

"wow y/n has no plan for a change." "ok what about Christmas then since that is next month." "don't know." "us enhypen are celebrating with y/n and seventeen at her place." "same with us Cravity members we are celebrating with them." "how about we all celebrate it together as family."

"sounds like chaos." "fucking hell y/n its not going to be that chaotic." "right ok what ever you say George." "bitch." everyone starts laughing and S.coups walks into the living room. "food is ready everyone." everyone makes their way into the kitchen and grabs their plate and makes their way to the dining room to eat.

it was now day 2 of practise and things were going good for everyone it wasn't long before practise day 2 was done y/n and the street racers do another practise to their car's as well just in case. after that practise again the night went like usual y/n and S.coups cooking and everyone loved the cooking.

everyone was sat by the firepit in the garden and y/n had her guitar and was singing random songs again and everyone loved her voice. after hours of singing, everyone was now asleep. the next morning everyone was getting ready for the day y/n had cooked breakfast for everyone it was light breakfast.

everyone was now at the track ready for the race. 58 laps later the race was done. Max was first Charles second and y/n in third. the three of them were on the podium listening to the Dutch anthem and after,

that they got the champagne bottle and y/n does her usual celebration by jumping and smashing the bottle on the floor to get it open and sprays it at max and Charles before they do it to her as well as the fans. the three of them stood together for the photo's.

it was now time for the street race and everyone was waiting for it to start. "who is with y/n tonight." "none of us know she didn't tell us." "could it be yibo again." "nope I'm right here." "fucksakes why didn't she say who it was."

"look the race is starting." everyone turns to look at where the car's are the host speaks. "welcome all to the last street race of the season it has been a pleasure to see everyone at all of the races. none of this would of happened if it wasn't for our fave driver Y/n who is currently in her car ready for the race.

all of us are thank full we get to do this here in Abu Dhabi this year. before the race begins I just want to say that once the race is done and the winner is done celebrating everyone pls gather by the winner's car to take a family photo to close off the season. now in car number one we have the legend her self y/n with her co driver Heesung, in the second car we have enhypen member Niki and his co driver Vernon. let the race begin.

hours later the last race was done and y/n had won the championship. y/n and Heesung got out of her car and they got the trophy and climbed onto the roof of her car and the both of them lifted the trophy up in the air screaming. "fucking hell she actually won."

"she is unbeatable in this racing." "that's my girl." everyone looked at S.coups and he was smiling like an idiot. everyone was laughing at S.coups. "guys come on I need u for the family photo. everyone runs to y/n and then everyone sits down and the photo was taken. "this is my family nothing can hurt them and no one can stop me."

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