10-A rational deception

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Alluka stood with the other students nervously, biting her lip. Because of her healing the other kid, his scores improved. Which in turn...lowered her chances of success. Why did I do that? Now I'm gonna be expelled... All of the other students were crowded around the board that was projected. She gently pushed past so she could see. People were muttering, looking at her. She anxiously looked down the list, her anxiety ascending higher and higher the lower she got without seeing her name on that list.

Her breath caught in her throat. Number 20, Alluka Krueger. She lowered her head, tearing up. The scores are only slightly off too, if I hadn't healed him he'd have been the one going home. She wiped her eyes, refusing to cry like a baby. Well...trying to be a hero was fun while it lasted... "Oh...I'm so sorry Alluka... If you hadn't helped me..." Midoriya said, looking really guilty. Alluka huffed. "Don't apologize for something I did" she said, rubbing the back of her head. I'm sorry Alluka...can I help? No Nanika... "and also, nobody's going home"

Alluka's eyes widened, and she glanced up. Aizawa had a grin on his face. "It was a rational deception to get you to try your hardest." Alluka's eyes shined, and she beamed. I did it? I'm not going home! She hugged the closest person, squealing. "I still get to be a hero! Yay!" Kaminari blinked, then hugged back with a laugh. "Yeah-you know you have a cute laugh Alluka" Alluka giggled more at the compliment, smiling, "thanks!" I like Kaminari. He called us pretty. Nanika said. Yeah, and he's always smiling at us too. I think he wants to be our friend! "Hey Kaminari, can I ask you something?" she asked, slowly letting go of him. The rest of the class was already walking away, although a few stayed.

"Hm? Oh yeah, sure" Alluka's eyes shined. "Are we friends?" Kaminari blinked, seeming slightly confused. "Well yeah, of course." Alluka beamed, starting to walk into the building to grab that syllabus. "Sounds great!" she hesitated for a moment, realizing people were...staring at her in the hallway. She coughed awkwardly and quieted herself. You're sixteen Alluka, not ten. She scolded herself. It had been hard adjusting to life after she was free, one of the hardest things about growing up was, well...growing up. She might be in highschool, but she sure as hell didn't act like it most of the time. Bisky regularly compared her to a fluffy headed elementary schooler.

"Hey, are you ok? You seem a bit down" Kaminari said, frowning slightly. Alluka nodded. "Yeah. just...realized how immature I was being. I'm sorry." A laugh erupted from the yellow haired boy beside her. "I don't mind, actually I think it's cute" Alluka's cheeks flushed a bit. She was starting to get a little embarrassed, not even her big brother complimented her this much. "Ah, I have to go. But I'll see you tomorrow, Kaminari!" Kaminari grinned. "Yeah, see ya later!" Alluka walked away, giggling. He's super nice!

537 words

To be continued...

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