Chapter 1

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I wake up delirious, sweating buckets, and the dogs barking. I get up with a groan, my head throbbing. I shush the dogs as I open the door, the sun blinding me when I do. They run out quickly, running in all directions. I stand on the porch and watch them play. There's a chill to the air that causes me to shiver; I should've grabbed my jacket. 

I let them play for a while, then whistle for them to come in. I quickly shower, then make a coffee. Before it's even done I hear my phone going off, it's Jack, probably calling about another crime scene. I groan, then answer, before I get a word out he's already talking. 

"Will, you need to get here right away." He says, "It's bad, I think it's the Chesapeake Ripper." I roll my eyes. He thinks every case is the Ripper lately. 

"Yeah, I'm on my way." I sigh. He tells me to hurry then hangs up. I quickly put a lid on my coffee, then walk out the door. 

When I get there I see Dr. Lecter talking to Jack. I let out a groan, why'd he call him here? I get out and stroll over to them just to torture Jack. When I reach them Dr. Lecter greets me with a smile, he's about to say something, mostly likely an over-polite hello, but before he can get the chance Jacks ushering me toward the crime scene. I don't have the energy for this today, but Jack doesn't seem to care whether I want to do this or not. Just as long as we catch the killers, don't get me wrong I enjoy it, but it's draining. Not to mention I have a therapy appointment today. Though I'm starting to like them, I won't ever admit that to Dr. Lecter, his ego's big enough. Jack and the forensic team leave, so I can get into the killer's mind.

Afterwards I go over what I saw and how the killer was thinking. Zeller argues with what I said, like usual, I still don't understand why he's so persistent that I'm wrong. I've solved the majority of these cases since I've joined the team, isn't that enough? The thought occurs to me that he could be jealous, I don't see why though, my 'gift' is more of a curse. I pinch the bridge of my nose, squeezing my eyes shut. I can feel a headache coming on and I would really like to leave before it gets worse. Thankfully, Dr. Lecter sees this and announces to Jack that he thinks it's best that I go home, and get some rest for the remainder of the day. Jack looks reluctant but nods and lets me go. I nod my thanks towards Hannibal, he just smiles in return and waves as I walk toward my car.

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