This Means War #6

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~This Means War~


The class settles as we await the hero lesson. I'm so excited! Hero training is by far my favorite class!! It's so awesome to use my quirk all the time, to fight, and watch my friends go at it too!

"Today's training will be a little different," Mr Aizawa began to speak, "you'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you." The class collectively gasps as we all wonder who the third pro will be

"Sir! What kinda training is this?!" Sero yells to Me Aizawa

Mr Aizawa then pulls out a card and announces, "Rescue" as read on the card, "you'll be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks, stuff like that"

Everyone is now pumped up! I wonder what disaster I'll be assigned! I hope it's the shipwreck! I'll dominate the water!

"Disasters huh? Sounds like we're in for a big workout" Kaminari says to me and Mina

"Totally!" Mina cheers

"I can't wait! This is gonna be so cool" I cry

"Real hero stuff. This is what separates the men from the boys! I'm shakin with excitement" Kirishima smiles widely

"Finally I'll get to show off how good I am in water **ribbit**" Tsu says

"Here here Tsu!" I cheer with a smile

"Guys I'm not finished yet" that shut the class up quick, "what you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes..." he then pressed a button revealing our cases from the wall, "but keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready"

Everyone got out of their seats and went straight to their costumes. I figured at least one person would listen to Aizawa and wear their gym clothes but nope, everyone went to costumes

We grabbed our stuff and made our way to the locker rooms to change. We all changed and Mina came jumping from behind me

"Ooooo Y/N I just can't get over how cool your costume looks!!" She squeals

"Thanks Mina! Yours is killer too!"

She smiles widely and pulls at my arm, "C'mon! We gotta meat up with the other before they leave without us!" She then drags me out of the locker room before I can even say a word

We start gathering around outside to begin loading into the bus. A few other students weren't done getting ready so we just had to sit there. Everyone around was talking about who they were gonna sit with and I figured I was going to sit with Mina but then, I had a brilliant idea

I walked over to Todoroki and said, "Hey Todoroki. Mind if I sit with you on the bus?"

"Why?" He asks

Oh.. uh.. didn't think he'd ask that.. uh, "Because... you're very quiet! Yea! And I want a calming ride there before training begins"

"Oh. Yea sure I guess" he says then turns away from me

Ok... do I keep talking or do I leave? I swear this dude is so hard to read! I'll just ask him if he's excited about training or something

"Hey are-" I got cut off my someone calling for me

"HEY L/N GET OVER HERE!!" I turn and see Kaminari waving to me with the rest of our friends by him

"A-ALRIGHT!" I call back. I hesitate to actually go because I wanted to talk to Todoroki more but I guess I should go to my friends. I mean me and Todoroki are friends now I guess but he's still dense... it's better to just go to my friends that actually talk to me

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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