Kidnapped By:cierra costa

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Hi my name is Nicole and I'm 17 years old. So I have a annoying little sister named Emily and my little sister is only 8 and she has been bugging me to take her to the carnival. So tonight my parents are making take her. I told my sister if she was ready and she was. When I was walking I saw my boyfriend Jason. He was so hot and Jason was with is 7 year old brother who name is max Emily and max were best friends. Well now I better put my sister on a ride. When my sister went on the ride my boyfriend Jason came up and gave me a hug and a kiss I said "hey baby" I was so happy to see him because he is the best boyfriend ever. He is always there for me and he helps me out with stuff I met Jason in 7the grade he was so hot. The ride stopped and me and Jason wait for our little siblings to come off the ride me and Jason are looking until we heard screaming me and Jason new it was our siblings so we ran and we saw this guy take them in a red van with black windows . Me and Jason found a 4 wheeler and we hoped on and we followed the van until the cops came behind is and said "what's going on you guys past the speed limit" I told the police officer that the red van with black windows took my little sister and his little brother. the cop said what was the license plate number was v178b the cop looked the number up and he said that's the kidnapper jack he kidnaps kids than hurts them if they try to escape. The cop said you guys go look for your siblings and we will follow you guys Jason started the 4 wheeler and we drove off and me and Jason stopped at a red light Jason was so mad cause he wanted his little brother back than the cop said why did you stop? Jason said it's a red light. The cop said run it we need to catch this kidnapper! Jason ran the red light I held on to Jason real tight cause he was going 90 miles per hour! After we caught up with the van until the van turned into a old house Jason parked the 4 wheeler the cop said ok Jason and Nicole go knock on the door and tell the man if you can use his phone ok the cop said . Me and Jason knocked on the door than the man came up to the door and said "may I help you" . Jason said "um yes may I use your phone my car broke down " the man said "no it didn't you were following me the man grabbed Jason and me by the wrist than he put me and Jason in the basement. Jason asked his little brother if he was ok and he was and my little sister was ok too . Right now it's 8:00 pm and my parents are going to kill me if they know I'm home late. Jason and I were trying to scream for help but the guy told us shut up or he will duck tape out mouth shut . So me Jason and my little sister and Jason's little brother stopped screaming for help than all of a sudden we heard running and we heard get down on the ground I said Jason wake up. The cops are here so me and Jason screamed help really loudly than a cop came down and said "are you guys ok"we said yes just really hungery and thirsty the cop gave us food and I look at my phone it was 9:00Pm I'm like "crap I'm gonna be dead my mom and dad are going to kill me cause I'm
Late me and my sister ran him and Jason catched up with is and Jason said Nicole wait I waited and I said "what " he gave me a kiss goodnight and i said goodnight babe me and my sister ran home and my parents were home as me and my sister walked in my dad said where were you too I said "dad the ticket line was really long " my sister said "no" I said Emily shut up my dad said "Emily what happend " she's said I wasn't paying attention and she said me and my friend got kidnapped " my dad said Emily can you go up to your room plz I have to talk to your sister . My dad said "Nicole your are grounded for 3 months I said "what" he said wanna make it 4months I said "no it has been 2 months and it's a Saturday I begged my dad to un ground me cause I have learned my lesson I went up to my dad and said "dad can you unground me"? He said well you've been good so sure . I was so happy I went to my room and said "woo I'm free" Jason texted me and I said oh my god he left me 40 text messages. I texted him back and said sorry my dad took away my phone and I was grounded

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