pt 17

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Viren sat and thought for a while crying, waiting if Aaravos would turn around and come back for him. But minutes turned into hours and Viren had gotten tired. Viren didn't want to sleep, nor did he want to believe that Aaravos wouldn't come back for him. But sleep crept up on to him like a moonshadow assassin. When he awoke it was raining. 'Great, first the only person who ever really loved me goes away because I can't handle love and affection and now I'm soaked.' He thought. He went to get out of the downpour when he noticed that he couldn't move his bad knee without it being so painful he threw up. 'This isn't good. I need to move. I'm gonna catch a cold.'

Viren grabbed a nearby branch off the ground and used it to move into a cave. He made a sigh of relief as the pain dulled down when he sat down. He then remembered what had gone down and disappeared back into his thoughts. He couldn't really focus on what was going on around him because of the trance he was put in due to his thoughts.

Aaravos just kept walking, not looking where he was going, all he wanted to do was get away from Viren. Or that's what he told himself so that he wouldn't go running back so soon, he really wanted to. He wanted so badly to just go back and apologize but he knew that he didn't have it in him. He knew that it wasn't Viren's fault that he had felt that way about him, he knew that he needed to talk to Viren about it instead of running away, He just couldn't find the courage to turn back. So he just kept walking away.

Before Viren knew it four days passed, it felt like how it always did in Katolis, he was tired, sad, and terribly lonely. He did snap out of his funk because his stomach was screaming at him. He let out a groan and looked around for the branch he used to get over to the cave, but it was nowhere to be seen. He sighed and rolled onto his belly and started army crawling to a nearby bush that was densely populated with red berries. He didn't know if they were poisonous or not but he thought, 'Hey if I die then there's one less sad person on this mudball.' And he popped the barries into his mouth.

'What will happen if the only thing that has ever loved you dies? What happens if Viren dies? I can't let that happen, sure I know that I'm probably the last person that he wants to see right now, but he can't hate me. Right?' Aaravos thought, He was starting to go in circles thinking he didn't really want to just leave Viren, he had promised Viren he would never leave him. And because he had just left him that makes him a liar and he is not a liar, just a truth bender. He wasn't a shit person for this right? The man had never really had anyone really love him, he was used to it. He could handle another person leaving him, right?' Aaravos thought to himself. He needed reassurance that he wasn't doing something that would come back to haunt him later. 'No, I need to go back. Remember what happened last time, what if he's already killed himself?' Aaravos got sick at the thought of Viren being dead.

Aaravos turned around and started running back to where Viren was, or at least where Aaravos thought Viren was.

Viren had been sitting and thinking, crying, and feeling like shit all together. His stomach was burning with pain so much so that he was shivering one second and then the next he was dying of a heatstroke. He had never really felt this way all that much before and he deduced it to the barries that he ate. He pounded on his stomach and shoved fingers down his throat trying to make himself throw up, nothing worked though. He knew that he was going to be very sick and or dead if he kept these barriers inside him. He thought he wanted to die. When put into practice he was scared, he didn't want to die like this, the person who was always picked last, the person who no one loved.

Viren couldn't help but laugh at himself, 'Gosh I'm such a loser.' He thought, then added 'No wonder Aaravos left me, who would ever want to be with me?' He laughed so hard he choked and went into a coughing fit. He gasped for air, he couldn't breath. He didn't want to die, he couldn't die yet he needed to say sorry to Aaravos, to Claudia, to Soren, how was he to do that if he was dead?

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