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In Adventure City

Ryder: "In head."All right, let's do this. Just need to end this as fast as possible

The ultimate sword and heights mace clash the shockwave shattering the windows of buildings for several blocks

Rocky: woh, that has a kick to it

Marshall: This'll be awesome

Herald: So you've got good offense, so what, let's see how you like this, "extends the mace a chain attaching the ends." keyah "chucks it using his powers to wrap it around the megazord"

Ryder: that's not good pups some help I can't break out

Rubble: I got it, I mean with how easily the original fell how tough can this one be

Marshall: I'll go with you just in case

On the outside

Rubble: "tugs with all his might" no good it won't budge

Marshall: I figured as much I have an idea but first it's time to charge up

Rubble: oh yeah it's been months since we did it normally it's always been trying to master omega charging

Marshall: alright I'll heat it up and you wrecking ball it down

Rubble: on it

It works "obviously"

Herald: I'll take that back "brings backthe mace and repairs it"

Humdinger: meow meows done

In Adventure Bay

Chase: alright guys you 2 handle the citastrophe crew I'll deal with cheetah, then we'll gang up on copycat. Tbh liberty's rope may be our only chance of beating him now

Skye: Chase hold up

Chase: what is it Skye

Skye: give her hell for me

Chase: I will for both of you I swear

In barkingburge

Claw: alright sparks give them a hyper burn

Duke: claude sonic wing burst

The attacks collide sending shockwaves everywhere

Ladybird: oh no my baby

Everest: finally an opening "flies in and grabs the baby before it hits the groundputting it down gently" go ahead Liberty

Liberty: finally I don't have to worry about her using that as a human shield I mean how low can you go

Ladybird: no matter I'll just win anyway

Liberty: in your dreams I'll end this with one strike "rockets off the ground creating both a sonic boom and crater in her wake

Ladybird: nice try mutt "catches the punch"

Liberty: what the

Ladybird: I know its been 2 years but did you forget I too have super strength. It may be nothing compared to Rubble's your omega charger friends or copycat but thankfully for me neither are you "slugs Liberty sending her flying"

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