Chapter 1; Call of the Son

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The sun set slowly over the horizon, painting the deep blue sea with its orange and yellow hues.

As they hauled in their last catch of the night, they heaved the, heavier than normal, nets up. A few caught sight of a shiny, purple color in the water, but ignored it as a trick of the light as they continued to pull.

Suddenly, as the net broke the surface a shriek pierced the air as they finally pulled their catch above the water. They were so shocked they almost dropped the net. For in that net, a beast struggled against their binds. Their hair was long, jet black and clung to their olive colored skin and scales. They had long spindly arms, with sharp claws and webbed fingers.

It struggled viciously, chomping at the net with its razor sharp teeth.

The men cheered loudly as they gawked at their catch. A leviathan. A mythical creature whose legend is as old as the kingdom of Gothamshire itself.


The men celebrated loudly, the sound of beers clinking together and their screams of joy filled the captain's cabin, the soft thud of the rain above a calm, soothing sound.

Each man bellowed about what great fortune this catch would bring them. About all the gifts they'd buy their wives and children. Without warning the ship suddenly jarred sharply. The sea itself was calm. But something had bumped them. A whale perhaps? A few men, and the captain decided to go above to the deck, to see what it could have been. Perhaps they could make even more of a fortune with the added wealth of whale blubber and meat. But they soon realize that this was unfortunately for them, not the case.

And that became evident when suddenly waves began to ripple. The men leaned over the ship's port and stared at the water, holding their breath. Before suddenly a face appeared from the depths.

Before they could do anything or even think anything, the monster rose from the water.

With a deafening roar, the leviathan charged the ship, smashing into the wooden planks with incredible force. The pirates were sent sprawling, their weapons useless against the creature's massive size and strength.

As the leviathan circled the ship, the pirates realized too late that they had taken the wrong prey. The mother was not going to let them keep her child without a fight.

The leviathan let out another ear splitting screech as she slammed her hand onto the ship and stared at them, at the men currently holding her child in their captivity.

Then, she spoke.
It was a strange voice, it sounded like there were 2 or 3 different voices overlapping static. If they weren't so horrified they might have found this strange voice soothing

"That doesn't belong to you." She said, her sickly yellow eyes wide open, catlike pupils nothing but small pinpricks as she stared. Her breath was warm and smelled like salt and blew the men's hair when she exhaled.

Captain Draxum looked upon in bewilderment at this creature. Beautiful she was. Her hair was long and stuck to her skin from the water, it was various shades of pink with subtle hints of blue and purple.
Her skin was dark but her scales glowed a bright pink. She bared her teeth once more and let out a strange hissing growl. Like an alligator.

"I say once more, that does not belong to you. Release him, human."
Blinking his eyes trying to focus he raised his cutless to the leviathan

"Come at me ye' mighty beast!" He bellowed, a malicious grin on his scarred face.

She let out another shrill, deafening cry of anger before she planted her hands firmly onto the ship, and pushed with all her might. It took effort, but the ship began to sink as the crew began to run about, crying in terror. Some stabbed fruitlessly at her hands, leaving barely an indent in her tough skin and scales. Others simply cried and collapsed onto the deck.

Captain Draxum stared wide eyed at the beast before he started climbing the ship's mast.

Once he was at the boom he darted across it and lept at the monster, landing in her hair. She barely reacted, only letting out an irritated snarl. He quickly slid through her wet hair until he was just beneath her brow. He picked up his cutlass and went to slash at her eyes. She began to swing her head back and forth, in an attempt to fling the Captain from her hair. It wasn't long before Captain Draxum lost his grip, and was flung from her mane.

The captain landed with a sickening crack on the deck of the ship. He couldn't breathe. It felt like he was being stabbed with giant needles everywhere. He took a shaky breath, went to stand up, but discovered quickly that that was an impossible task. For his bones jutted out of his skin awkwardly while blood dripped in rivers down his skin, only to be washed away by the rain.

The last thing the captain saw before the rest of his life force slipped from under his grasp, was his young son Barry running toward him, screaming for his father.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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