New Beginnings

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Dev looked out of the car window as they drove down the unfamiliar streets of their new city. His family had moved here due to his dad's job, and Dev was starting at a new school tomorrow. He couldn't help but feel nervous about making new friends and fitting in.

Dev stood outside the door of his new home, taking in the sight of the quiet suburban neighbourhood. It was a new city, a new home, and a new school for him. He had moved with his family because of his father's work. The thought of starting over in a new place made him a little anxious, but he was excited to see what new opportunities lay ahead.

As they settled in, Dev's parents told him he would start school next week. He was a little apprehensive about being the new kid, but he knew he would have to face it sooner or later. He spent the next few days exploring the new neighbourhood and getting to know his new home. On the day of his first day of school, he woke up early, brushed his teeth, and got ready to go.

As he walked through the school gates, he felt like all eyes were on him. He tried to blend in and not draw attention to himself. As he was walking, he caught a glimpse of a girl with long black hair, sitting near the ramp with a group of girls. He couldn't help but notice her, something about her made her stand out from the rest of the students.

He felt a sudden urge to talk to her. Maybe it was because he felt out of place, or maybe it was because she seemed familiar. He couldn't explain it, but he knew he had to talk to her.

He made his way to his classroom and found a seat at the back of the room. He tried to focus on the teacher's words, but his mind kept wandering back to the girl he had seen earlier. He couldn't wait for recess to go and talk to her.

Finally, the bell rang, signalling the start of recess. Dev quickly got up and made his way to the schoolyard. He scanned the area, trying to spot the girl he had seen earlier. He saw her sitting on a bench with a friend, laughing and talking. He walked towards them, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves.

As he got closer, he saw that the girl's name was Mayra. She looked up and caught his eye. He smiled, hoping to ease his nerves. To his surprise, she smiled back and gestured to him to come over. He walked towards her, feeling a little more at ease.

"Hi, I'm Dev. I just moved here," he said.

"I'm Mayra. Nice to meet you," she replied, offering her hand.

They shook hands, and Dev felt a connection with her. He couldn't explain it, but it felt like they had met before.

They spent the rest of recess talking about their interests and hobbies. Dev was interested in art, and Mayra loved music. They found out that they had a lot in common, and before they knew it, the bell rang, signalling the end of recess.

As they walked back to class together, Dev felt like he had found a friend in Mayra. He was excited to see where this new friendship would lead him. He felt like this was the start of something special, and he couldn't wait to find out what it was.

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