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"I'm sorry but i think we should stop this relationship" The boy said to the dumbfounded girl infront of him.

"Pardon me?" confusingly asked by the girl, as if she misheard what the other has said a while ago. The boy frowned, but replied with an annoyed tone

"Haven't you heard me the first time? I said we should break up, Astrid". "B-but wha--" before Astrid could even asked she was cutted off immediately "Oh for fuck's sake can't you even understood?!? This is why i want to break up! You're annoying as fuck and I'm tired of this set up!".

"I'm trying Cal! I'm trying to make things work, do you think i'm not tired? Well i am, but i love you so fucking much to let go that's why i keep fighting! Its for us!!" She replied angrily while tears are already falling down on her cheeks, pain, sorrow, and anger are evident to her eyes.


It was so loud that the tension between the two continues. It's clear that neither of their relationship will be saved in the end. Callisto in the other hand just stared at the sobbing Astrid with unamused face, but he knows deep inside he too is hurting and he know that someday one way or another he will regret his decision.

Slowly, the sobbing girl began to calm down as she slowly lift her head up to look Callisto straight in the eyes.

"Tell me Cal. If you really want to end this" She spoke, walking slowly towards the boy, as she got close they were only centimeters apart still looking eye to eye.

"Then tell me, straight to my face that you don't love me nor need me anymore." Finishing her sentence.

Callisto paused for a moment and looked down at his feet, debating if he should do it or not, or if his decision were right or not.

"Tell me" Astrid spoke again, but this time with a calmer tone as she touch Callisto's right cheek, in an instinct he never want to get away from her touch but he know he have to and that's what's forced him to snap back at the reality.

"I, Vesper Callisto Fernandez Ravenwood, don't love nor care about you, Astrid Vespera Celestial Eveningstar, anymore" he spoke with no hesitation while looking cold-straight to her eyes, as if he really meant it.

With that, Astrid let go and started to back away slowly, feeling as hurt as ever. After that night, everything shattered between the two stars.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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