Chapter 12.Dates

873 16 15

Sorry for not updating busy dealing with life

When Rimuru went and took a seat in the restaurant he saw Velzard waiting for him while sitting for him at the otherside of the table.

Velzard:So how is your day going darling.

Rimuru:not the best.

Velzard:let's have a chat while eating shall we.

Rimuru:why not

Rimuru crossed his legs and folded his arms while they both order food.
They ordered salad,pasta,crosant,and 2 vanilla ice cream.

Rimuru:so how long did you torture veldora

Velzard:only 5 days straight quite short right?

Rimuru:(that aint short but I guess RIP Veldora the so called catastrophe class dragon)yeah it's really short

They chatted for 10 minute before thier food came.

Velzard:took them long enough

Rimuru:yeah that sure took a while

They both started eating thier share of the food followed by the desert

Velzard:that was OK


They both walked away and Rimuru walked to the location of his date with chloe

Chloe:Hi sensei


Rimuru saw a chessboard on the table and thought of the most reasonable answer on why a chessboard was there

Chloe:sensei do you want to play chess with me


Rimuru got the black pieces while chloe got the white pieces

Chloe played the Kings Indian opening while Rimuru played the queen's gambit

The match lasted for 3 minutes both were equally matched until Rimuru did a backrank check with the rook protected by the dark squared bishop and the queen checkmating whites king.

Rimuru:GG chloe

Chloe:GG Sensei

They both shook hands and chloe took out 2 starbucks drinks she got from earth.

Rimuru: thanks chloe

Chloe:anything for you sensei

Chloe said with a bright smile on her face while drinking her drink.

Chloe:You wanna play again

Rimuru:ok but I won't go easy on you

The ending score was rimuru with 8 wins out of ten matches and chloe with 2  wins out of ten matches.

Chloe:why are you so good at this game

Chloe said as she was sad that she lost 8 matches

Rimuru: I practice it in my free time

Chloe:fine but teach me how to play

chloe said while pouting like a kid

Rimuru:ok fine

Rimuru coached her for 1 and a half hour before leaving

At the frozen continent

Dino was assigned by Feldway to spy on the other demon lords but to collect info the best way is to be a demon lord himself so the idea they decided on was dino will be a demon lord but secretly collecting info about them.

Guy:so dino you want to become a demon lord


Guy:fine but I'll not be the one to decide if you become a demon lord the person will come in 3..2...1

Dino was calm in the outside but was having a lot of pressure in the inside

Dino:(shoot I thought guy was the obstacle but it turns out there's someone else?)

At exactly when Guy said 1 Rimuru came crashing through the ceiling while repairing everything he broke while decending down.

Rimuru:so dino you want to become a demon lord huh


Rimuru:but you work for Feldway and is a undercover agent for him to take information from us so I can't let you unless you decided to backstab him

Dino was beyond shock about how he knew

Dino:(how the f*ck did he know how the f*ck does he know about me)

Rimuru:stop swearing at me

Dino:(great he can read my mind also just great)

Rimuru:so dino you have to options A become a demon lord and backsatb Feldway or B go back to where you came from

Dino thought for 10 seconds and then decided.

Dino: I.......


Next:Friend or foe

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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