Chapter 3

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Next day
In the afternoon, the four were already in India, located in Mumbai. They would be attending the best University in Mumbai on scholarship and they each decided to get a job to able to enjoy life a little.

M. K°. L mansion

It was a peaceful morning and they were all having breakfast
Alia: Abhi I have to to go to Australia for to meet a friend  and I won't be back for 5 months
Abhi: isn't that a bit too long
Alia: well she is going to ummm........teach me more business skills for the benefit of your company
Abhi: its our company Alia and you don't need to learn new business skills you are
already great
Alia: but bhai, I need to learn more and spend some time with her
Abhi: fine
Rishab looked at Alia with a painful expression . The real reason why she was doing this was to get away from him and he knew it. He just chuckled sadly and looked away. Why did things have to be this way. Despite Sherlyn almost ruining the family they still forgave her and forced Rishab to get married to her again for the second time. Emotional blackmail  was used and Rishab being a family man couldn't say no.
Nidhi: Karan  may you please accompany me to an event party tonight
Karan: sure
He said uninterested . He had  nothing to do anyways. 
Rhea: excuse us adults we have to go to college ,
then Rhea, Ranbir, Kunj, Shaurya and Mishti  went to their respective cars

aurora house

aurora housePrachi

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Rajveer: wow you guys don't look that bad actually Shahana: of course we don't Prachi: let's go or else we're gonna be late for

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Rajveer: wow you guys don't look that bad actually
Shahana: of course we don't
Prachi: let's go or else we're gonna be late for................ sch...... school
Twinkle: It hurt didn't it
Prachi: very much
Shahana: can't believe we're going back to school............In India............... As middle class people
Rajveer: yay isn't this going to be fun (sarcasm dripping from his voice )
Twinkle: okay everyone , remember the characters each of you we assigned to play and no Australian - American accent strictly Indian accent
Shahana: yes
they leave

At school
Prachi: okay guys I will go get our schedules  while you wait here, don't create a scene

Rocky, Rhea 's friends sees the new students, (Rajveer, Shahana and Twinkle). And decides to rag them

Rocky: hey newbies come here
Shahana : I'd rather not
Rocky smirks and walks towards them with Shaina, Rhea, Kunj, Shaurya and some of their friends
Rocky: would you like to repeat your sentence
Shahana: I said, I'd rather not
Shaina : we'll let off the hook because your new and you clearly don't know us
Twinkle: oh thank you for you loveliness really who are you...., no one actually only a no name person who is still in college and depends on their parent 's money
Kunj: you have a big mouth for a middle class girl
Twinkle: and you seem to have a small mind for a upper class brat
Rhea: how dare you insult my brother do you who I am
Twinkle: nop and I don't plan to but since you're gonna tell me anyways
Rhea: I'm Rhea Mehra, daughter of Abhishek Prem Mehra, rock star turned businessman, my father can ruin your life in seconds
Twinkle: oh my gosh I'm so 😱  scared, you done
Rhea: you how dare you
She was about to slap Twinkle when Prachi held her hand.
Prachi:  don't you dare
Rhea deep down was feeling hurt that this strange girl didn't take her side and was siding the other girl but she didn't know why.
Rhea: And who the heck are you
Prachi: who I am is non of your concern but if you lay your hand on my sister I swear the outcomes won't be good for you
Shaina: how dare you threaten  Rhea Mehra, do you know who her father is, Abhishek Prem Mehra, he can get your life ruined in a matter of minutes
Prachi: oh my gosh I'm so 😱  scared, you done
Twinkle: you know what Prachi, I had the same reaction when she told me this
Prachi: depending on your father's reputation won't help, business can just go down
Rhea: let go of my hand you filthy middle class girl
Prachi let go of Rhea's hand
Shahana: as if anyone would be dying to hold that
Shaurya: YOU!
Shahana: ME!
Rajveer: Shahana, Prachi and Twinkle let's go and not waste our time on daddy's spoiled little princes and princesses unlike some people I  brag about my achievements  and not my parents and currently I need more achievements sooo.....yeah
Shaurya: what did you call us do you know who my father is, The Karan Luthra. Cricketer turned businessman.
Shahana: and what can he do, "ruin our lives in seconds"
Just then a young boy enters school gates and he rushes and gives Prachi a hug
Prachi: Adi? weren't you supposed to come after 5 days
Aditya: was but I realized how much I missed my di
Rhea: oh my gosh, another one
Aditya: oh my gosh, a self proclaimed queen bee, you what sis Ive dealt with girls like her in Lon.... Hoshiarpur they are using their parents fame.
Kunj: Hoshiarpur, how can you compare my sister to some low lives in Hoshiarpur
Aditya: because she's just like them, trust me

  Meanwhile Aliya was in the private jet listening to Nobody gets me by SZA thinking of Rishab. Then she landed in Australia and was welcomed by a woman who was revealed to be...... Pragya.
Unlike Abhi and the others, Alia kept contact with Pragya, apologized and their bond got strong. Alia was able to be a big part in Prachi's life. Which kinda explains Prachi's character after all she had Pragya, Vansh, Alia, Sid, Roshni and a secret person to raise her. She being a curious child was able to obtain some of their best traits which makes her Alia 's favourite.

PS. Shaurya knows that Nidhi is not his real mom and hurts his real mom because he thinks she abandoned him because she didn't love him

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