History lesson

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Sifiso could not contain his anger when he realised that Noma had let his only hostage go. He was going to use Nomsa as a pawn in his chess game but now he was left with no moves.

His sources said that Vusi was alive, and he had to get an upper hand before he attacked and claimed the throne back. Sifiso had finally achieved what his vile father could not. The man was a horrible drunk and took out his anger of Sifiso and his siblings, but he was his bloodline. He was part of the bloodline of the King who fought for their lands years ago from European settlers and won.

He had claimed back the throne that was lost for five generations. He sat at the Hall of Meeting every night to assure himself that he was not dreaming. He was now the King of the land that his forefathers claimed through blood and tears. He was not going to lose it again to his enemies. They had taken the throne from his family, because of bloodlines insolence and for years his family has been fighting to get it back. Sifiso had finally restored the name of his family.

"How could you betray me, Noma? I am your husband!" He yelled at her as she walked into the room. He had sent guards to find her and return her home. His pride would never allow him to admit it but he was hysterical when he could not find her, and not because of her betrayal but because he thought she had left him.

He had nearly lost his mind when he was told that his wife was gone. He loved Noma dearly even with the hatred he had for her family. His heart only wanted her and no matter how much he tried to hate her he couldn't. The irony that he would wed the daughter of his enemy and fall deeply in love.

When he met Noma in University his plan was to toy with her. He would hurt her and maybe send her back with an illegitimate child, but she was so lovable. He found himself falling in love with her before he knew it. She was his light, and he needed her more than she knew. He was a broken man devoid of love until she entered his life.

When he proposed marriage at first it was to hurt his enemies, he would subject Noma to all kinds of pain, but he couldn't. She was king, gentle, and loving, so many things he was not. She cared for her people and never made him feel like he was alone. She stood by his side in all business ventures and gave him guidance when he was unsure.

What a beautiful gift he was given. His sisters and mother hated his wife but feared him enough to steer clear of her. She was his light in this dark world of hate and vengeance. He tried to explain to her so many times that the throne was his birth right but Noma would not hear it. His biggest fear when she was gone was that she had finally left him. He felt a sorrow like no other in that moment. He nearly called Vusi and traded the throne for his wife. He felt relief like no other when she walked into the room, but he had to protect his heart and never let her know how much she meant to him.

years ago

"As a king you must protect your people, not allow them to be slaughtered like cattle!" Mpilo yelled. He was the kings advisor for years but he was beyond upset with how the king was dealing with the situation at hand. The great king who had fought against the settlers and won was now a common drunk. They were under attack from a nearby village. The king had sent his men into battle without a plan which led to their deaths and capture. The elders had come together to speak to the king but he was unable to reason because of his drunken state.

The man was not fit to be king anymore. The war had took too much of him and all that was left was a shell of a man. "My king I beg of you. Please, do not send these young men to their deaths." Mpilo pleaded with his king and friend. "I am the king of this land and you will order another attack first thing tomorrow morning! We have never lost a battle before and we will not start today." King Dingane yelled out. "I will do as you command my king." Mpilo said bowing and leaving the hut.

"He is crazy! There is no way we will send our sons to die for his ego!" The elders spoke at a private meeting. Mpilo had summon all of them to speak of his concerns and a way forward. "Silence! My fellow elders what do you suggest we do?" Mpilo asked looking at the group of men around a small fire. "We will approach the king tomorrow." One of the men said calmly. "We will all stand our ground and demand that the king calls off the attack." Another elder man said.

"Look at these fools gathered like rats talking about me." The king said menacingly as he walked to the centre of the fire. He had armed guards around the men and he had a spear in his hand. "My friend..." Mpilo was cut mid sentence by a sharp pain in his right leg. He fell to the floor and blood poured out of his wound. "You are no friend of mine you traitor!" The king yelled. "Please Dingane listen to your men. We cannot go to war!" Mpilo yelled as he stood slowly. "Do you want to die today!" Dingane said lunging at Mpilo he aimed his spear at him but because of his drunken state it was easy for Mpilo to grab the spear and toss it to the ground. "I don't want to hurt you Dingane!" Mpilo said calmly. "Funny how you call me friend and stab me in the back at the same time." The king said chuckling menacingly.

"Before I came here my friend I passed by your house. I must say you have a very beautiful family." The king said sitting on one of the wooden stools. "Dingane!" Mpilo said in a warning tone. "It's just sad that you will never see them again." The king said looking into the fire. "What are you talking about Dingane?" Mpilo asked feeling nauseated at the thought of what the king was implying. "As I told you before my friend. I kill my enemies and their whole bloodline. I leave no one behind." The king said standing "goodbye my friend." Dingane said motioning to the guards to kill them. Mpilo saw red at that moment.

He picked up the spear from the ground and sprinted pass the guard standing close to him. He aim the spear and thrust it javelin style. The speak went straight into Dingane and he fell to the ground. He died when he spear entered his body and pierced his heart. The guards started fighting the elders but there were seasoned warriors in no time the guards lay dead next to their king.

"What do we do now?" Mpilo asked looking at his friend the king. "We tell no one of this. We bury the king and all these guards. We will crown Mpilo king after they have searched for him." Elder man Themba spoke. "I don't want to be king." Mpilo protested. "If our enemies learn that we are without a leader they will attack. The soldiers respect you because they have fought alongside you. You will be king Mpilo. Go bury your family and we will handle things here." Elder man Themba said walking away. Mpilo fell to the ground and wailed at his lose. In one night he had last his whole family and his dead friend. He hated what his friend had turned into and swore he would never allow them to evil rule these lands.

In less than a week Mpilo was crowned king and the son of Dingane was banished and his birthright was taken from him. He tried throughout the years to reclaim his throne but he failed every time. No one knew the truth of the night the king died except the elders who went to their graves with the secret. King Mpilo told his son to never let the old kings bloodline rule again because they were evil and would kill the land with their greed.

So for generations the two families were enemies until Sifiso took over the throne but he knew that if he did not come up with a plan soon he too would lose it to his enemies.

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