I'll be there when you need me

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The TV was running in the background, as she packed her things, ready to move out. After what has happened, not only was she scared to stay in her hometown, but she also needed to find her brother.

Oh brother. I know you're out there somewhere. I know you wanted to escape the history our family has made, but I often wish you didn't flee the nest we grew up in.

Renata's brother moved out of Okansko City, to find himself a new identity. To not be associated with the serial killer who they called their father. The man who was responsible for over the deaths of over ten people (in fact, he hasn't even admitted all the crimes he did so it's unknown if his body count is higher), including their mother.
She let out a shaky sigh and sat down by the table to rest.
And now he has escaped and is on the run. He was supposed to be executed almos twenty years ago, and yet the death sentence was somehow delayed over and over again. Makes one wonder what the government is even thinking...
Renata Mikanze has been living in fear ever since of hearing the news. Something kept telling her he will look for her because she was the one who called the police on him.
She shook her head and looked at the TV screen and froze at what she's seeing.

"The escaped convict of Okansko City's prison is last seen crossing the boarder. It is speculates that he's heading towards Makuhero City. Immediately contact your nearest police station if you see this man. He is extremely dangerous, he has and will kill anyone who gets in his way."

Considering how the police chief of Okansko City was found dead soon after his escape, it was VERY clear he won't hesitate to murder someone.
But Makuhero City...
That's where she's moving too! Just her luck. The English Teacher groaned and hit her head on the table, but immediately rubbed her forehead because it hurt. Matteo had it luckier with pain, he's a masochist after all...
When her thought wandered back to him, Renata sat up again.

Makuhero City...
Matteo said he wanted to move there and change his identity. But if I didn't object against it, I would be able to tell him what's going on... Why did we both decided to cut off contact?

Maybe he already knows. I mean, last time I saw him was on TV, working for the Hero Factory. He must have the newest updates concerning criminals and more...

She pushed herself up with new determination. Their father had a weird obsession with Matteo, he always spent so much time with him training, he was obsessed in "preparing him for his future", when it turned out that he just wanted his son to be just like him. A killer who murders people for his own benefits, a person who can't deal with people that annoy him.
That just adds to the reason why she needs to move to the city, famous for it's heroes. (Next to having already bought the house, of course.)
She needs to be there for her brother if things really go the way she thinks they will.
Renata walked away from the table and past an old picture frame on the shelf, to continue packing.

I'll be there when you need me, Matteo. I promise you that.

 I promise you that

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