Chapter 1

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Authors Note: This book is written as a joke. If you happen to go to my school, keep in mind that this was written a while ago, and is not based on actual people. Thanks for reading!

Taylor woke in tears, sweat on the back of her neck. In the blackness she sat up and looked at the clock- only 2:41. She laid back down and thought about her dream.

They were eating lunch, in fact, they were at school. Mark, her crush had just taken a seat next to her. She thought, "This is my chance", she flattened her hair and tried to act normal, miserably failing. Then she said it, the wrong thing, " Hi," she totally sounded lame she just gave it away, ugh, why did she have to be so stupid? Hi, really? Who says hi these days? Completely embarrassed she looked away and then Jessica, perfect as ever. He took one look and he was gone not even taking a look back at Taylor. And now she sat there all alone, Mark hating her forever. She had no chance with him.

She started to cry again harder than before. It was hopeless how could Mark ever like her. She looked at the clock one more time- 2:56, and fell back asleep.


Taylor woke again, except this time with the sun. She started crying again. She went on Instagram and Facebook and continued to stalk Mark as always and then she saw it. The worst thing anyone could ever see THE ALL TIME WORST!!!!!! His Instagram status changed from single to taken just like that with the snap of a finger literally. She began wailing. And did something she would have never done. Wrote on one of Mark's pictures, " I wish you were never born, life would be so much simpler!!" She pressed send. OH NO!! What had she done???!! What will he do today at school?? All of her chances were ruined!! He'll never like her EVER!!

She got dressed and ready for school. Then she heard the bus roar to a stop on her driveway waiting for her. She stepped on the steps and prepared herself to face Mark.

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