2 「H E R - I M A G I N A T I O N」 2

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 point of view

𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐀 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄, Catherine really did appreciate him letting her warm up in his truck, although she partially trusted him not to try and kidnap her.

She knew even if he did, there was no way he would be able to beat her in any way, he was after all a human, it didn't matter how buff he was.

"Well, Jake said you hang out with Sam and the rest of the crew right?" Catherine started rather hesitantly as she turned herself to sit sideways in the passenger seat to look directly at Paul.

"Yeah," Paul asked with an amused look on his face, he already knew what others on the Rez thought of their pack. "let me guess, he spouted some nonsense about us being steroid-filled meatheads, that go around crashing every's night?"

"He didn't say those words," Catherine spoke with a slight wince at the harsh words Paul spoke, as if he had heard them over and over again. "exactly."

"He didn't have to," Paul said with a small scoff, it would always tick him off that everyone would just judge them without even knowing anything about them. "that's what every teen on the Rez thinks, but that's not what we do, they just don't understand."

Listening to the boy talk, Catherine could immediately recognize the annoyance in his tone, she could tell that this was a touchy subject for Paul.

"Then what is it that you guys do," Catherine asked softly and curiously, wanting to know what he meant, but not wanting to upset him even further. "I'm curious?"

"We protect the Rez." Paul said proudly as he looked the girl in the eyes, he wanted her to be impressed by him, by what he and the others did.

Deep down he knew that was because of the imprint, but in this moment Paul didn't care, he didn't want her to see them like other people on The Rez did.

"From?" Catherine asked as she looked at him through her eyelashes, not understanding that just seeing her large adorable eyes, Paul almost couldn't help himself from awing.

Although Catherine seemingly didn't notice the look of adoration in his eyes, she much rather wanted to know what was happening on the Rez.

The way Paul had said it quickly brought back memories of when the other older men in her village went out on watch for other supernatural beings and humans that wandered too close.

"Mainly teens doing things that shouldn't be," Paul quickly partially lied, although they did look out for teens, that's not what they solely looked out for. "like getting drunk out in the woods, polluting the place with cans, starting fires that they don't put out."

Hearing his words, Catherine couldn't help but nod her head at his words, a large smile coming on her face as she listened to the things he and his friends did.

Quickly getting rid of her previous thought, Catherine couldn't help but commend them for taking care of their environment, Bunny's did the same thing in a sense.

"We just want to make sure that nothing bad happens due to small mistakes," Paul continued to explain as he grew more sincere, not looking at the girl as his expression grew slightly sadder. "but nobody wants to hear the truth when they just want to get drunk and hang out with their friends."

"That's honestly really cool," She said as she lightly laid her hand on the boy's upper arm only trying to be nice, although her touch caused him to quickly look over at him. "we use to do something similar in the village I grew up in."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Paul couldn't help but be slightly shocked at the girl's words, he hadn't expected to ever meet anyone to live in villages anymore.

Although he meant no criticism to Catherine and her family.

"You grew up in a village," Paul asked curiously as he turned in his seat to talk to the girl, he grew more and more interested the more he spoke to her. "what kind, what was it like?"

"Whiteridge was what my like 5 greats, grandparents named it," Catherine started to explain to him with a small smile on her face, whilst she took her hand off of him and used it to tuck her hair slightly behind her ear. "before I left we had about 400 people that lived and took care of it."

Taking a moment to look up and think about what she'd just said, Catherine quickly looked back down at the armrest between them before she shook her head.

"Probably more now though, I mean Aurora, Diana, Quinn, Monique, Serena, and Yvette should have given birth by now." She spoke listing off the bunny women that had been pregnant and nearly due before she left the village.

Although after she spoke she slowly looked up only to notice the shocked look on Paul's face as he thought about the six different women that had gotten pregnant all at the same time.

"Women in my village tend to get pregnant often, not to mention the fact that they have a lot of kids every time they get pregnant." Catherine spoke trying to chuckle off the whole situation, whilst once again tucking her already tucked behind her ear out of nervousness.

"Is it like a family village?" He continued to ask questions as he noticed how nervous she seemed to be at the topic of babies and pregnancies.

However what he didn't know was Catherine had just been trying to find a lie about how fertile Bunny women truly were, even humans became the same way if they bedded a Bunny person as well.

"Sort of," She tried to continue to explain after taking a small break, the nervous pressure raising from her chest as she got off that topic. "we all think of each other as family, but only about 68% of the people that live there are related, plus we have a lot of people who hear about our village and decide to come and join us."

As she talked Catherine's head had continuously stayed staring down at the armrest, although Paul could still see the small reminiscent smile on her face.

"Sounds like a wonderful place." He commented as he gently placed his index finger under her chin, before softly lifting the young woman's head to make her look at him.

However as the two gazed at each other, Paul couldn't help but allow his thumb to lightly graze across the bottom of her lip, to which Catherine shockingly let him whilst she gazed at his eyes that were also focused on her lips.

If this was anyone else, Catherine would have moved away as quickly as she could, maybe even beat their ass for just attempting to touch her.

But unbeknownst to her the imprint wouldn't let her, it only caused a large bubble of wanting and lust to come to the young bunny's cunt.

Despite being completely in love with Jacob, Catherine couldn't help suddenly imagining Paul completely devouring her poor cunt after he'd forcefully spreading her out over the back seat of his truck, whilst having one of his hands latched tightly on her throat.

The other hand worked her clit harshly, bringing her to orgasm again and again, and no matter how much she pleaded for him to stop out of overstimulation he never did.

Because he knew just how much she enjoyed every last orgasm he gave her, plus every time he stopped she'd only beg him to bring her to another.

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