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Rider POV

I was breathing heavily as I ran away from the scientists that have been testing me for three or four months. They had almost got me but then I ran into the woods and knelt down thinking I was safe to catch my breath. "Who are you?" I heard from behind a tree, it sounded like a deep British-sounding voice, I look up and see a guy with blonde hair, he was tall.. very tall.- "Rider, Rider Phillips.-" he looked at me strangely but then walked over to me, he noticed that I had a laboratory uniform on. "You're a.. test subject?." He looked at me with his light red eyes, "Yes.-" I mumbled quietly to him, he then picked me up which startled me.

We were at a cabin in the woods, I looked over and saw him laying down next to me, "Mornin' did you sleep well?" he said to me with very soft eyes, "Yes!-" I said sort of loudly and blush quickly went across my face, out of embarrassment. He chuckled slightly "Hah, okay." He sat up, and he didn't have a shirt on his muscles were hot.. I quickly look away so he doesn't notice me looking at him. He was walking over to his door and gestured for me to get up, I got up and left his room while blushing slightly and the guy started walking over to the kitchen. "So, what's your name? Or should I call you Sunshine?" he looked at me with a slight smirk on his face as he started cooking some food "M- my name is Rider!" I said to him, slightly stuttering.

Haru POV

I chuckle slightly because of how cute he's acting, "Well Sunshine, I'm Haru." I wink at him and notice that he blushed "You want some food, Sunshine?" "S- sure!" he said stuttering some more. He sat down at the kitchen table as I handed him the food, he ate it quickly like he hadn't been fed in weeks. I sat next to him and ate as well, I glanced at him and he had already finished, "You sure were hungry, Sunshine." "Wh- whatever!" he said looking away and I could see some blush on his ear, "Hm, what's wrong, Sunshine?~" I said in a seducing tone while whispering into his ear, I could tell he was flustered, it was so adorable. I kiss his cheek slightly, "It's 9:57 p.m, we should go to bed now, Sunshine." I get up and go to my room, Rider following behind me as he lays down on the bed, I lay next to him and go to sleep.

I wake up the next morning to see Rider not next to me, I quickly get up and hear the shower from one of the bathrooms. I peek my head into the bathroom and see Rider taking a shower, I blush slightly, he has such a nice delicate looking body. I go to the living room so he doesn't suspect anything, he'll probably think I'm a perv if he had caught me looking at him. He leaves the bathroom and notices me in the living room, I pretend that I'm watching tv. "Hey Haru" he had said to me in a nervous-ish tone, "Hey Sunshine~" I said trying to keep it cool but he didn't have a shirt on at all, he looked so hot. I noticed that I had sort of a boner, I got a blanket so I could cover it up, luckily it worked and he didn't notice. "There's some clothes in my closet that you can wear." I said to him while hiding the boner I had, "Okay!" he had said to me in a cheerful voice. He was going to my room and I had to find out a way to fix my.. problem. I go to the bathroom and get the shower running so that Rider doesn't walk into the bathroom. I quickly pull down my pants and take off my boxers. I start rubbing my dick, I covered my mouth to not be loud while I was jacking off. After a while I came and cleaned myself up, I go back to my room and see Rider on my bed looking at his phone.

Rider POV

Haru walked into the room, he had a bit of a flushed face, I looked up at him "Are you okay?" I ask him and wondered why he was in the bathroom for such a long time, "I'm okay!-" he said blushing a lot more. I noticed some white see-through liquid on his pants, but I just ignored it and put my phone in my pocket. He sat next to me and yawned a bit, "Are you tired?" he looked at me and nodded his head. "Maybe you should get some sleep, you need it." I said to him with a small smile, "Alright" he laid down and fell asleep almost immediately. I lay next to him and fall asleep as well.

It's the next morning and Haru is still sleeping, he looks adorable when he sleeps. I yawn and get up, I take off my shirt and change into different clothes. Then Haru had woken up right when was changing, I could see blush on his face as he got up and went to the kitchen to make food. I sit on the bed blushing A LOT, then Haru walks back into the room "I'm sorry for waking up when you were changing-" He said in a nervous tone. "It's okay, you don't have to apologize, and you didn't know." I had said to him in a soft tone, I smile softly. "Alright- well uh, I made food.." He was slightly blushing, "Okay!-" I rush to the kitchen and quickly eat the food.

I was just sitting on the couch watching tv, it had been a few hours later after I had eaten and Haru came back from his workout. Sweat was dripping from his muscles, fuck he looks so hot- I look back at the tv and he had noticed I was staring at him. "Like what you see?" Haru said to me in a cocky tone. "S- shut up, dummy!" I said to him very embarrassed.

"Hello! I rushed the night before this to make the rest of the chapter, I know it's bad but I hope you all enjoy it. -Eclipse"

Word Count- 1063

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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