Think It'll Last Through The Summer?

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"Okay, but imagine Brendon in leather pants," Ryan said, his hands in the air. He was delusional and on the brink of completely passing out due to sleep. So the rest of the teenagers were forced to listen to his stupid nonsense.

Ray rolled his eyes. "I don't think I want to, really."

"Well, I do, so imagine with me," Ryan said, leaning his head on Brendon's arm. Ray rolled his eyes at the two.

"Imagine Mikey with bleached hair!" Frank laughed, turning his eyes to Mikey. Who was asleep with a sleeping Pete Wentz on his chest. Frank drank from his Capri-Sun. "They're totally fucking in love."

"Think it'll last through the summer? That's like four months from now," Hayley asked, looking at the people around her. Ryan snickered.

"What? Probably, then we can call it their," Ryan tried to find the right word, "'Summer of Love' or something."

Brendon looked at Ryan. "What kind of name is that?"

Ryan buried his head in Brendon's chest. "A fucking good one."

"Whatever, Ry."

- - -

Mikey had woken up in many strange situations.

A bathtub.

A bus stop.

A concert venue bathroom.

To the sounds of his brother being screwed.

But he had never imagined waking up on Pete Wentz's chest. Mikey raised his head a bit, looking around the dimly lit room. Gerard and Frank were sleeping on the couch together. Joe was curled up in one of the rocking chairs, Andy in the other. Taylor was on the floor with at least three blankets on top of him, and Hayley was next to him. The rest must have gone to the rooms. Mikey yawned, turning to look at Pete.


That's what Pete was to Mikey. Mikey looked at the older boy, whose black hair was horribly messed up and whose lips were slightly parted in deep sleep.

What Pete had said about honeymoons - this was enough for Mikey. Waking up next to Pete was a honeymoon.

Mikey slowly got up off of the beanbag, pushing his glasses up his nose and walking into the kitchen. The clock on the microwave said that it was already eleven in the morning, but Mikey started the coffee pot anyways. He started to reach up into a cabinet to pull out cups when two arms snaked around his waist. Mikey fumbled with the cups, setting them on. The counter, turning his body around.

"You little shit!" Mikey whispered, frowning at Pete. Pete laughed quietly.

"Aw, you love it, Way," he said, pulling Mikey closer. He brought his head up to kiss Mikey's neck, biting the skin.

"Fuck, Pete, you're gonna leave a mark!" Mikey complained as Pete sucked on his skin. Pete pulled away.

"Shut up, you bastard," he grinned. "But I did leave a mark."

Mikey's eyes widened, pushing Pete away, and trying to look at his neck. Pete started laughing, grabbing his stomach as he hunched over. Mikey looked at Pete, his eyes glaring daggers. He walked towards Pete, leaning over him.

"Then I have to give you one."

"But the guys will give me so much sh - "

And then Mikey was doing something he'd never done before, pushing Pete against the counter, pinning Pete's arms behind him, his wrists in his hands. Mikey kissed along Pete's jawline, moving his lips to Pete's neck. He kissed it, his nose picking up scents of chlorine from yesterday's rand envoi. And considering the "fuck" Pete had let out of his mouth, Mikey guessed that he was doing an alright job.

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