Chapter 11

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Hornet'Buzz Pov

It has been almost a moon since the accident with FernClan at the gathering, I was hunting by myself and I heard scuffling behind me, I quietly turned around and started to sniff the air and suddenly I caught the scent of mouse, I swiftly went down on a crouch so my belly touched the ground and padded slowly so I wouldn't scare away the mouse.

Once we got back from the gathering a bunch of cats didn't like that I put the other clans against them, Scorpion'Wind defended me saying that we all made the choice to announce the news to the other clans.

And Marigold'Star tired of the bickering in her own camp she put a stop to it and said that I would not be able to attend any gatherings until the clans have calmed down with the sudden news,

I was sad that the clan must be ashamed with me and my reputation but felt better once Marigold'Star told me I would be more useful in the camp especially with my kits due to arrive.

Scorpion'Wind has become more plump and swollen with kits that she can't leave the nursery anymore since the kits make it a challenge for her to walk anywhere I have been getting her fresh-kill and have made my own nest right next to hers.

I want to stay with her until the kits arrived before I move to the warriors den but for now I am happy to be with her as long as I can.

I quickly pinpointed the the mouse and saw it munching on a seed completely unaware of it about to be fresh-kill, a purr of satisfaction rumbled in my throat as I saw that it was a very plump mouse which would definitely make Scorpion'Wind happy, I swiftly made my way towards it I accidentally stepped on a twig and it let out a loud snap, the mouse looked up in alarm but before it had the chance to react and run away I swiftly ran towards it and nipped it in the neck and the mouse quickly went limp under me.

I let a purr of satisfaction and picked up my mouse as I pricked my ears as I heard another sound, I turned around with the mouse dangling from my jaws and heard the sound of paws clumsily scrambling through the forest leaves and saw Star'Puddle with her black fur and excitement shining in her eyes as she saw me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked with the mouse still in my mouth, Is something Scorpion'Wind okay? "Scorpion'Wind! Her kits are arriving right now!" Without hearing another word I quickly sprinted back to camp.

I heard Star'Puddle right behind me trying to keep up with my speed as we both made our way quickly back to camp, I felt the brambles tug at my fur as I pushed myself out the camp entrance but I ignored the pain and quickly laid the mouse down in the fresh kill pile and ran straight towards the nursery.

Before I could go in the deputy, Broken'Thunder nudged me aside, "I need to see her!" I yowled as I struggled to go around Broken'Thunder, he led me towards the middle of the camp, "She is giving birth right now and I know how much you want to see her but Hound'Stream is on it and she won't let anything bad happen to her" he assured with sympathy in his voice.

I clawed at the ground with anxiety and frustration, "Okay, but I want to be the first to see her once Hound'Stream walks out!" I snapped and went to lay down next to the nursery Impatiently waiting for Hound'Stream, Broken'Thunder let out a frustrated sigh and walked over to the leaders den to tell the news to Marigol'Star.

I heard Scorpion'Wind let out a loud yowl of pain, I quickly got up to my paws but before I could run in to help her I stopped myself and started to pad around in a circle uncomfortable that I couldn't help her in any way or be by her side.

I heard a yowl of laughter behind me I turned around and realized it was Turtle'Wing and Pumpkin'Stump who where laying outside the Elders den sunning themselves in the nice and warm sun.

"If we didn't now you where the father of her kits we would all think you where crazy with the voices of MoonClan!" Pumpkin'Stump said teasingly as he let out a stifled purr of amusement in his voice.

Turtle'Wing padded him in the side with her front paw, "I remember when I was giving birth to Bramble'Sight you where more worried than a queen who had just lost her kit!" She mewed with laughter as Pumpkin'Stump started licking his chest fur in embarrassment at the comment from his mate.

"But it's not the first time Hound'Stream has helped queens give birth and besides I know they will be very beautiful" she purred, I let out a relaxed sigh and started to lay down and wait, until Hound'Stream walked out the nursery.

I looked at her with a very worried look and relaxed once she nodded in approval, "They are very beautiful and I'm sure you will be proud once you see them" she purred as she padded into her den searching for some herbs, without waiting for a response I walked into the nursery.

I immediately stopped and hold my breath as it felt as time had suddenly stopped, Scorpion'Wind was laying in her nest and near her belly where four small and beautiful kits hungrily suckling at her belly in search for warm milk.

The biggest of the litter was a golden tabby tom who looked just like me, a dark brown tabby tom, a gray tom, and the smallest of the litter was a small tortoiseshell and white she-kit who had the same sleek fur as her mother.

Scorpion'Wind looked up at me with loving eyes, "Are you going to say hello to your new kits?" She asked with a tired and raspy voice but her loving smile never seemed to fade, I felt my heart beat faster than ever and I ran over to the small bundle of kits and started to carefully lick their small and fluffy fur.

"They are all so perfect just like you" I purred with a happy smile as pride swelled in my heart, "And they will be amazing warriors just like their father" she said as I started licking her fur, "You must be hungry I will get you something fresh-kill" I quickly ran out the den and padded over to the fresh-kill and saw Marigold'Star walk out her den and push herself into the nursery.

I quickly picked out the plump mouse I caught and padded to the nursery with the mouse dangling from my jaws it's blood still warm, I pushed myself in the den saw Scorpion'Wind and Marigold'Star talking to each other in a friendly mother and daughter conversation, "They are lovely and I'm sure you and Hornet'Buzz are very proud" she said as I laid the mouse right next to Scorpion'Wind.

"I caught this mouse today just for you I know their your favorite" I said as she started to hungrily gulping down the mouse, and she licked her lips and let out a sigh as she rested her head on her pwas, "Thank you, Hornet'Buzz" she purred and Marigold'Star nodded a little with approval.

"What are you naming the kits?" Marigold'Star asked and Scorpion'Wind raised her head and purred, "The golden tabby will be Sunset'Kit, The gray tom will be Jagged'Kit, and the brown tabby will be Creek'Kit" she said as I looked at her in surprise as she said Creek'Kit.

Marigold'Star's fur bristles, "Why would you name him after a cat from another clan?" She snapped and Scorpion'Wind looked up at her calmly, "He has been through a lot and I would like to appreciate him for what he has done for my kits" she turned he head and looked at me with acknowledgement and I stared at her in shock for a while and after what seemed like forever I blinked at her with appreciation.

"Alright but what will be the name of the she-kit?" She asked and Scorpion'Wind looked at me, "I want the father of my kits to choose the name" she said as she nodded for me to speak, I quickly went through names in my head and got one I liked.

"She will be Berry'Kit after my mother who I never got to say goodbye to once I left my clan" luckily Scorpion'Wind and Marigold'Star nodded in agreement, "The love of a mother never dies to fades" Marigold'Star said as she laid her tail on my shoulder and gave me a look of pity.

After what seemed like a heartbeat Marigold'Star stood up and started to pad outside the den, "I will leave you two to it and I will tell the clan about the arrival of the new kits" she said as she left.

I purred and curled up with Scorpion'Wind and I started to lick her fur as she stared lovingly at our kits, "I will never stop loving you" I said and she purred with amusement, "Neither will I".

I hope you enjoyed

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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