chapter 8

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Shoto then went into the practice room where they practice thier dance moves just on moment later he sees mr wilson
(This is what he looks like)

Shoto then went into the practice room where they practice thier dance moves just on moment later he sees mr wilson(This is what he looks like)

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(Yep the only added character )

Mr wilson then said
Wilson:hey young todoroki
Shoto:hi sir
Wilson:you seem like you came prepared are you ready?
Shoto:yes I am
Wison:good then let's start okay let's take it from the the top a 1and 2 and a3
So the both of them stared to do thier kpop dances mr Wilson was showing shoto what kind of dance he had to do
After 30 min they diceded to take a 5 min break

Wilson:your getting better at your dancing
Shoto:I know but my dancing needs more work tho
Wison:dont worry up until now you've been doing great
Shoto:sir cud I ask you some questions?
Wilson:sure go ahead ask away
Shoto:what is the meaning of becoming an idol and what do kpop idiols do exactly?
Mr wilson:well let's the meaning of becoming an idiol is that people look up to you you know
Shoto:that sounds nice
Wilson:it sure does about your ohter question about what kpop idiols do exactly well from what if seen if seen them preform on stage the crowd cheering them on they also model for brands
Shoto:wow they can do all that what else can they do?
Wilson:they can also dicede to become an actor or actress those are called k-drammas
Wilson:yeah there are lots of them
Shoto:I think I'm gonna go and wacth them sometime
Wilson:that's sounds fun but I must tell you one thing about becoming the kpop idiol
Shoto:and what is that?
Mr Wilson then put both of his hands on shoto's shoulders and says
Wilson:becoming an idiol sounds like a dream but you must never ever forget that your still learning your still young dont overwork yourself it is okay to take a break once in a while I am telling you this because I too was an kpop trainee and idiol myself
I used to overwork myself a lot always making sure that everything was perfect I got hate from citizens for not looking good enough they called my fat and many ohter names I went on several diets just to look good for the plubiek there was this time I looked at myself in the mirror and I cund even recognize myself I forgot myself myself I even forgot that I'm just human so I pushed my self aside and I listened to ohters to make them feel good to entertain them to make them proud just to see them happy and all they did was smile they saw what they wanted to see but deep inside I was a lost,broken and misunderstood, lonely man
Shoto then hugged mr wilson and said
Shoto:I'm sorry you had to threw all of that I know exactly what that feels like and don't worry sir I will never forget your wise words thank you
Wilson:thanks kid*ruffles his hair*
Shoto:so shall we continue?
The both of them then went back to thier dancing after 2 hours they where finally done
Wilson:you did great today young todoroki
Shoto:thank you sir
Wilson:so I'm guessing you are gonna go home now
Shoto:yea but I'm not gonna go alone this time
Wilson:is that so how come?
Shoto:well my fahter hired a bodyguard for me
Wilson:ah okay atleast your safety is garunteed
Shoto:I guess bye now sir I'm gonna go now
Wilson:bye and see you next week

Shoto was now in front of the kpop company a few minutes later he saw a black car that stopped right in front of him then someone came out of the car
Shoto:he looks loudly familiar
But it was hard to tell because this person was wearing a mask and some sunglasses and he was in a suit
This person was now walking towards shoto
He then finally spoke
Shoto:so I'm assuming that you're the bodyguard that my father hired
Shoto:so what's your name?
????:my name does not consur you young todoroki but you can just call me bodyguard since I am your bodyguard (pov:this is so stupid)
Shoto:alright then bodyguard
????:may I take your bag?
Shoto:no it's fine I can carry it myself
????:okay then you may now follow me
Shoto and his bodyguard then stared to walk towards thier car
The bodyguard then opened the door for shoto to get inside
Shoto looked a bit surprised but he went into the car anyway
The bodyguard then closed the door and then went to his front seat he then put his seatbelt on but just before he was going to start driving he then looked at the  back seat and then he asked
Bodyguard:do you have your seatbelt on?
Shoto:yes I do
Bodyguard:okay good
Then he stared the car the car and drove away

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