Chapter 51 - 60

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ঞChapter 51 The Warlord's Ghost Aunt 3

    The female ghost who was kicked out by Lu Xi for the fourth time lay on the ground depressed, "You guys are too bullying ghosts."

    She really couldn't figure it out. She had been a ghost for decades. Baby, which one didn't obediently be killed by her?

    Why did I meet a few people who came to my door this time, but kicked myself away again and again?

    The female ghost glanced at the silver-haired young man standing in front of her coldly, and she had some doubts about life: "You are obviously an ordinary person, why aren't you afraid of me?"

    "Afraid of you?" The attitude made the female ghost become angry from embarrassment.

    Lu Xi glanced at the female ghost indifferently, got up and walked to Jiang Qingmo's side.

    At this time, the female ghost saw Jiang Qingmo who had been standing by her side, her eyes froze: "It's you!"

    She is a nympho who likes handsome guys, and she has been attracted by the exquisite and handsome Lu Xi just now, and only now They found Jiang Qingmo and the others standing in the villa.

    "It was you who sent my baby to hell." The female ghost glared at Jiang Qingmo angrily.

    The little ghost she raised for more than ten years, finally became famous, but was thrown into hell compared to a Taoist magician who ran out of nowhere. How could the female ghost not be angry?

    "I said you are young, why are you so confident? So you asked a warlock for help." The female ghost stared at Lu Xi with a sneer.

    But in this world, there are no powerful warlocks anymore. A while ago, an old Taoist priest also wanted to take her in, but she still took care of her?

    A young woman, dare to play tricks in front of her?

    Thinking of the scene of being kicked away by Lu Xi over and over again, and then looking at Lu Xi who kicked himself away, he was so close to Jiang Qingmo.

    A killing intent appeared in the female ghost's eyes: "I'll kill you first, and then the others!"

    The man she fancy can only belong to her!

    I saw the Yin Qi on the female ghost suddenly soared, and in an instant, everyone felt that the heat and vitality all over their bodies seemed to be sucked away by the female ghost.

    There was a strong wind in the living room of the villa, and the originally moonless sky was instantly covered with dark clouds and lightning.

    "I'm going to kill you and bury you with me." The female ghost's eyes were covered by black air, and thick black mist filled her whole body.

    Wrapped in thick black mist, the female ghost suddenly floated up in the air, and ice condensed wherever the bursts of Yin Qi permeated...

    An An and An Xiaoyue felt the Yin Qi biting their bones, and they both curled up in fear. Together.

    Huo Yihang also got skin pimples from the cold, but he still hugged Yingying who was sleeping soundly in his arms, and used his body to block the cold Yin Qi from attacking Yingying's body.

    In an instant, the entire living room of the villa was frozen in ice, and even the cameraman's lens was instantly cracked.

    [Holy shit, it's so scary,]

    [Mom save me, no, boss save me! 】

    【This female ghost is so scary, I'm scared even through the screen. 】

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