Poem about Australia :)

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Lily and I and two other friends wrote this in one of our classes' today and we thought it was pretty funny so now here it is on wattpad. Enjoy :D

There once was a man who lived in Uluru,

He travelled round Australia wearing only one shoe.

He went round and round to get to Sydney Harbour Bridge,

Then all of a sudden he was in Lightning Ridge.

He bought a broom from Broome and some cheese from Bega,

He went to Australia Zoo and you could say he was eager.

It was hot and wet in Melbourne and cold and dry in Adelaide,

He went to Alice Springs and saw a lovely parade.

He saw lots of plants and animals and figured out the earth is 4.54 billion years old,

He met Julia Gillard whose heart was ice cold.

He went to South Australia to see the Australian Bight,

But ended up in Queensland and saw such a sight.

He went to Carins to buy some cans but got flooded in,

He went to Newcastle to see a castle but he got shot and lost a limb.

He went to Darwin and saw some crocs,

Then went to Perth and bought some socks.

He could only wear one 'cause he lost his foot,

Then he went to northern territory to see captain cook.

After he travelled all 7,692,000km² of Australia,

He wanted to visit the country of Asia.

He soon changed his mind because he wanted to mine,

But ate a lime and lost his spine.

His spirit will stay but his voice box will go,

But no longer will he be able to shout HO! HO! HO! HO!

He could be Santa for all we know ;)

Poem about Australia :)Where stories live. Discover now