Chapter One: Kokoro Aka

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Hello, my good Readers. If you don't know me, I am TNckitty, authoress for Yugioh: Supernatural and In the Puzzle. Right now, Supernatural is on hold. This is my new story. Please, enjoy.
Disclaimer: I, TNckitty, do not own Yugioh Arc V. Only the OCs that will be mention throughout story.
Chapter 1: Kokoro Aka
Four boys that look like each other, except for their hair and eye colors, were walking home from school. It was Friday, so that means they get to relax over the weekend... Or so they thought.
"What are you going to do this week, Yugo," the red and green haired boy asked.
"I'm going to check my D-Wheel if it is working right. What about you, Yuya," the blue and yellow haired boy, Yugo, asked.
"The usual. Sleeping in and dueling Yuzu at the You Show Duel School. Plans, Yuto, Yuri," he asked the other two.
"I'm going to hang out with Shun," the black and purple haired, Yuto, answered.
"Do you really want to know," the pink and purple haired, Yuri, asked.
The three look alikes looked at each other and then shook their heads. Suddenly, a red and blue motorcycle appeared out of nowhere. It almost ran Yuya over. The rider flew off the bike and land on the ground hard. The person groaned in pain before sitting up.
"Hey! Watch where you're driving! You almost killed our brother," Yugo shouted.
The person turned towards the four boys before quickly getting up. He bowed down, but wince a little.
"S-sorry," the person apologized.
"That's okay. It was an accident. Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere," Yuya asked.
He was very concern about this person.
"Y-yeah. I'm-m f-fine," he sputtered.
He stood up and ran towards his motorcycle. Yuto looked at the person and his eyes widen. Blood was flowing down the rider's left leg and stained most of his jeans, since he was not wearing a regular riding suit.
"You're hurt. Look at your leg," Yuto pointed.
The other three looked and gasped. The person didn't looked and got on the motorcycle.
"You are not riding your motorcycle in this condition," Yuri shouted.
The four quickly ran over to him. Yuto and Yugo grabbed the person, while Yuya took off his helmet. Once again they gasped when they notice this person is a girl, not a boy.
"Hey, I know. You're from our school. Kokoro Aka, right," Yuya said.
The girl, Aka, struggled. She wince every time she move her left side. After another few minutes of struggling, she stopped and sighed. She nodded to answered Yuya's question earlier.
"Aka? Aren't you that quiet girl who always sits by herself," Yuri asked.
She nodded again.
"I didn't know you can ride a D-Wheel," Yugo stated.
"D-Wheel? You mean the one like yours," Yuto asked, "How can you tell if she has one?"
"Hers has a duel disk on it."
"We better get her to the hospital and fast," Yuri interrupted.
When he mention 'hospital', she started to struggle again. She somehow slip out of Yuto and Yugo's grasped and started the D-Wheel. And in a flash, she was gone.
"What just happened," Yugo asked.
The three shrugged.
"I hope she's okay. That was a nasty crash," Yuya said, concerned.
"We'll see her on Monday. We can check on her then," Yuto pointed out.
They nodded before walking home.
It was Monday, and Yuya was worried about Aka. The four look alikes were in their homeroom.
"Calm down, Yuya. I'm sure she'll be fine," Yugo said.
"I just feel bad for her. That crash could have killed her," he answered.
Unbeknownst to them, Aka sneaked into the room and sat all the way in the back of the room. When the bell ringed, everybody got into their seats. The homeroom teacher started to call roll.
"Kokoro Aka," the teacher called.
Aka raised her hand. The teacher looked up and then check her name off. The four look behind the room and saw Aka in the back near the window.
"Sakaki Yugo."
"Here," Yugo said.
"Sakaki Yuri."
"Sakaki Yuto."
"Sakaki Yuya."
By the time the teacher finish calling, the bell ring. Everybody got up and rush to their first class. Aka grabbed her bag and tried to rush out but was blocked by Yuri, Yugo, Yuto, and Yuya.
"Hey, Aka. We didn't introduce ourselves last time. I'm Yuya and these are my brothers, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri," Yuya said, happy to see the girl okay.
Suddenly, the teacher appeared. She looked at the five and then smiled at Aka.
"Aka, are these your friends? Wonderful, you are improving," the teacher said excitedly.
Aka blushed. She pushed through, quickly getting to her class.
"Friends," Yugo asked.
"Ah, I guess she still haven't spoken to you yet. Oh well, she'll get better once she get to know you four."
"What do you mean, Mizushima- sensei," Yuto asked.
"Aka has a problem talking to other students over the months. Some of the teachers suggest that she spend a day with one of the students once a week."
"Did it work," Yuya asked.
"Not really. Now hurry and get to your class. The bell is about to ring."
Mizushima push the boys out. They ran their separate ways.
~lunch time~
The four Sakaki brothers meet up by the Sakura tree. They looked around, trying to find Aka.
"Hey, Yuya," someone called out.
Yuya turned to see four girls that look the same, except for their hair and eye color, walking towards them.
"Hey, Yuzu, Serena, Rin, Ruri," Yuya greeted.
"Who are you guys looking for," Serena asked.
"Kokoro Aka," Yuto answered without looking at them.
The four girls were confused.
"Why," Rin asked.
"We want to check if she was okay. She crash on Friday and her leg was bleeding," Yugo answered.
"Crash," Ruri questioned.
The boys told them what happened on Friday. The girls gasped.
"Poor Aka. I hope she is not injured seriously," Ruri said.
"I can't find her anywhere," Yuya huffed.
"Have you tried looking up in the tree," Serena asked.
"Huh," the boys asked.
Serena nodded up. They all looked up and saw Aka trying to jump down from the tree.
"What- How- When- What," Yugo tried to ask but can't think right.
"She always sits up there to eat. Once she finish, she goes to the library," Serena informed.
"How did you know," Yuri asked.
Since everybody's attention was now on Serena, Aka took the opportunity to make her escape. She was about a foot away from the tree until Yuto grabbed her left wrist. She tried to yank her arm, but flinch in pain.
"You okay," Yuzu asked.
Aka nodded. She was uncomfortable with so many people around her. She look at the ground, avoiding eye contact. While she was standing there, they have time to scrutinize her. Aka has black long hair that pass the waist with red highlights. It was in a ponytail. Her eyes are cobalt blue eyes. Her clothes, that she was wearing, were jeans, a black and red sleeveless shirt, a red jacket, and red hi-tops. Once again, she took the opportunity to get out of Yuto's grasped and ran to the library. This time she succeeded.
"Dang, she got away again," Yugo mumbled.
"Let's see her after school," Yuri suggested.
They agreed and went to finish their food.
If anyone who read my story was curious, Teresa is Aka. Aka is her fake name.
(Aka= Red, Kokoro= Heart)

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