Chapter Five: Pendulum Summon

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TN: Guess who's back?
Teresa: Yami!
TN: I was talking about myself, but Atemu as well. And speaking of Atemu, here he is now.
Atemu: Hello, Readers.
Teresa: *glomps Atemu*
Atemu: *fell back* Ahh!
TN: *pull Teresa off* TERESA! I told you not to that until after the chapter.
Teresa: *pout* But I can't wait.
TN: *sigh* Atemu, just do the disclaimer.
Atemu: TNckitty do not own ANY Yugioh. Just Teresa and other OCs who will be mention throughout the story.
Chapter 5: Pendulum Summon
The next day, which was Saturday, the whole group, except for Ruri and Shun, was already at the Duel school. The last people to come were Aka and Atemu.
"Sorry we're late," Aka apologized.
"That's okay. As long as you are here," the principle said.
"Oh, here are the papers."
Aka shrug off her red backpack from her shoulders and grab the paper from the other day. Shuzo snatch the papers from her.
"Why do I need to go to school," Atemu whined.
"Because you have to learn the new dueling methods and style of dueling. I would do it, but I'm very busy during the week days and have to work after school hours. I'm only free on Saturdays, and I can't teach you all of this in one day."
"When are they coming?"
"In a week. I just need to learn Pendulum Summoning and I'm good."
Someone cleared their throat, making them turn to them.
"If you are done having your conversation here, why don't we get class started," the principle said.
He lead the group to the classroom. Atemu notice that the place was empty.
"Where are all the teachers," Atemu asked Yuya, who was the nearest.
"Well, let's just say You Show is not a very popular duel school here in Maiami City," Yuya said.
Atemu just nodded. Once they go into the room, everyone got into a seat. The two newest students sat in the back.
"Okay, today we'll be learning Fusion Summon," Shuzo announced.
Aka raised her hand.
"Can we learn Pendulum Summon first. Yami and I already know how to do Fusion Summon," Aka asked.
"I need proof that you know how to Fusion Summon."
"Fusion Summon is when you use two or more monsters to combined them into a new, stronger monster using fusion cards," Atemu answered.
After Atemu finished, everything was quiet.
"Well, let's just have Yuya explain how to Pendulum Summon, since he was the first to use them," the principle suggested.
"I'm very interested in this new method," the pharaoh stated.
"Pendulum Summon is when you used Pendulum monsters," Yuya pulled out his deck and show Aka and Atemu the cards. "And depending on the scales, like Stargazer Magician, scale 1; and Timegazer Magician; scale 8, you can summon as much monsters with levels within the scale. Since I'm using Stargazer and Timegazer as examples, I can summon monsters that from level two to seven."
"I think I get it, but can you demonstrate it for us," Atemu asked, "If that's okay?"
"Yeah, let's go to the dueling field."
Once everyone was there, Yuya went into the dueling area. The red and green haired boy was smiling like a buffoon.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," he shouted his famous introduction, "I'm doing a special for my two lovely classmates today. Now who is here to see a Pendulum Summoning?"
Sora, Tatsuya, Ayu, and Futoshi cheered.
"I set the Pendulum monster, Stargazer Magician, scale 1; and Timegazer Magician, scale 8. I can only summon monsters that from level 2 to level 7."
He set the two monsters on the end of his duel disk, then the word 'pendulum' appeared on his disk.
"Swing, pendulum of souls! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Appear now! My monsters!"
Then, a pink hippo, a purple snake, and a red dragon with two different colors appeared on the field.
"Let me introduce my actors. First up is Performapal Hip Hippo, next we have Preformapal Whip Viper, and finally we have our main actor, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!"
"Why is he doing that," Atemu asked.
"He is a Entertainment Duelist. He performs and entertain his audience, even if he makes a fool of himself," Yuzu answered.
Yuya jumped on Odd-Eyes and a lot of tricks. Atemu watch him in awe. Aka saw this and giggled.
"What," the pharaoh asked.
"You're really cute when your eyes light up," Aka replied.
He blushed and focus his attention on Yuya again.
"Okay, Yuya. I think that's enough," the principle called.
Yuya frowned but deactivate his duel disk. He walk to the room where everyone was.
"So did you like that performance," Yuya asked.
"Yeah, that was very entertaining," the pharaoh agreed.
"That's the point, Yami," Aka stated.
"Hey, why do you keep calling Atemu 'Yami'," Yugo asked.
"When I was sharing a body with Yugi, I lost my memories, even my name. Because I am Yugi's darker half, I was called Yami," Atemu answered, "Aka also like the name, so it became my nickname."
"I also call him by Yams from time to time," Aka added.
Atemu glared at the quiet girl.
"I told you never to call me by that name."
"But Yams," Aka whined.
The group laugh at their childish behavior.
"You two act like you are a couple or something," Yuri said.
"Probably because we are."
That's when the laugher dies.
"What," Yuto asked.
"We're dating," Aka rephrased it.
"Man, you are full of surprises, aren't you, Aka," Serena asked.
"What? You guys aren't dating yet?"
Aka turned toward the four Yu-Counterparts.
"You guys need to step up you game, if you don't want them to date other people."
She pointed at the four girl counterparts. This comment made all of the 8 blushed like crazy.
"Stop teasing them, Aka, and let's get back to class," Atemu said.
"You're no fun," Aka pouted.
They all went back to class and continued the lesson. What felt like hours, the quiet girl started to drift to sleep. She slowly leaned to her left, where Yuto was sitting. The black and purple haired duelist felt pressure on his right shoulder. He turned and was surprise to find Aka sleeping on him.
"Aka," Yuto whispered, shake Aka awake.
She opened her eyes tiredly and saw Yuto's face.
"Sorry," she mumbled.
Aka got off of Yuto and lean against Atemu. Atemu was watching the whole thing and was glaring at the Phantom Knights user. Aka laid her head on Atemu's shoulder and slept on him.
TN: Aw, someone's jealous.
Atemu: I am not!
Teresa: Then, why were you glaring at Yuto like that? *smirk*
Atemu: Well I- You were- I was- Just shut up and finish the chapter already.
TN: Alright, alright, Mr. Jealousy.
Teresa: Please, comment and say that Yami is hot.
Atemu: TERESA!

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