Chapter Three

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"Jasmine." I heard someone whisper.

I groaned slightly and rolled over hiding in the cover. 

"Jasmine. Wake up baby." 

"Ughh. What?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as I sat up. 

"I came to say goodbye sweetheart. I promise I'll talk to you as much as I can." Niall murmured in my ear. 

A couple of tears ran down my cheek and he kissed them away. 

"Don't cry please." 

I laid my head in his lap and tried to stop my tears, knowing they weren't helping anything. 

After a couple of minutes I stopped and lifted my head. "I'm sorry Nialler."

"It's ok baby. I know its hard." 

Liam appeared at my door with tear stains on his face.

"We have to go Niall." He said quietly. 

Niall sighed deeply and nodded. 

He hugged me tightly and kissed me once more before whispering in the saddest and tear filled voice I have ever heard "Goodbye Baby."

"Bye Niall." I choked out. I laid back down and cried myself to sleep.

*2 months later*

"SADIE! PACK YOU A BAG WE'RE GOING TO WASHINGTON!" I shouted already holding the tickets for our plane and the One Direction concert tickets. 


"Our flight leaves in half an hour. Grab a couple days worth of clothes and lets go! I've got tickets to see the boys in concert again!"

I heard her flying around her room and she was downstairs in five minutes.

We got on our flight and got to Washington and got our hotel room.

We didn't sleep at all that night and when we got to the concert I stood there grinning in the front row waiting for the boys to come out on stage. 

"HELLO WASHINGTON!" Liam belted out as they came running on stage.

We all screamed loudly.

"NIALL!" I screamed and he looked down.

His face lit up like a kid on Christmas. 

"LIAM LOOK!" He shouted into his mic.

Liam looked down and saw us standing there in our 1D t-shirts smiling at them brightly.

He broke out into a huge grin and he and Niall walked to the edge of the stage.

"HOW MANY OF YOU OUT THERE ARE TRUE DIRECTIONERS?!" Niall shouted out to the crowd. 

Everyone screamed. 


Everyone screamed again. 

"OKAY THEN! Liam and I have two special people we want you all to meet!" Liam and Niall helped Sadie and I onto the stage.

"This is my main source of happiness. My girlfriend Sadie!" Liam said with the brightest smile on his face.

Sadie blushed. 

"I forsee alot of problems with this Nialler." I mumbled. 

He hugged me tightly and whispered "Don't worry I'll protect you."

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