Prologue: Relaxation?

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Izuku: *Holding up drink* To the Hero Course... And to the next chapter in our story!

Everyone Else: TO THE FUTURE!

-It's currently evening in the Class 1-A Dorms and they are having some fun as Class 1-A and Class 1-B are having some nice food and the UA Staff are currently relaxing by the kitchen as music is playing from the 21st century. They have deserved the relaxation after the major war between them and the villains during the Quirk Wars which costed many people their lives and made them look like the biggest heroes in the world. Izuku Midoriya was recognized as the next symbol of peace because he defeated All For One aka his own father Hisashi Midoriya...

Izuku faced off against the forces of All For One before, but facing the real threat and to find out that it was his own father... It crushed Izuku and he almost met his own demise at the hands of his father if it wasn't for his friends coming in and distracting All For One in order for Izuku to defeat him and scatter All For One's quirk to the seven winds.

Izuku after all that fight still felt ashamed and frustrated because of his father being a villain, but felt like he could be at peace now that his father was locked up in Tartarus. Now, Class 1-A and 1-B are celebrating their victory at the party of their young lives, and it felt like they can take anything. Izuku however, snuck out of the party and he looked up to the sky as he began to think about what his father said to him before he passed away due to his quirk being gone...


All For One: *Coughs* So... Was it worth it my boy?

Izuku: W-W-What do you mean?

All For One: Was it really the right choice? *Coughs up some blood* To... Kill me?

Izuku: I... I...

Toshinori: *Steps next to Izuku* You're son... Is not you All For One.

All For One: Heh... *Coughs while he slightly chuckles* It's true... Izuku Midoriya is... Izuku Midoriya. *Some blood is coughed up* Unfortunately... There will always be a little bit of me in you... My son. You and I are more alike than you think...

Izuku: I know... *Looks down* But... I'm not you. And I'll NEVER be you.

All For One: *Smiles before passing away* Then... Prove me wrong... *Dies*

Flashback Ends...

Izuku: (What does that mean? Does... Dad still think I'll lose my way? Or does he think I might be an true hero?) *Sigh*

???: Still thinking on what you're dad say, huh?

-Izuku looked to his side to see Nemuri Kayama... Without her right arm that was cost when Shigaraki got possessed by his father. After she retired from hero work, she, surprisingly, started to date Izuku's mother Inko. Izuku was surprised when he discovered that, but accepted because Inko seemed happy, and now the two of them were set to have their wedding in two weeks time.

Nemuri: *Sits down besides Izuku* Izuku, you gotta have to let that go. You're father's dead, and now you and you're friends are going into the 2nd year of UA. So try and rel-.

Izuku: "Relax?" I know mom Nemuri... It's just that Tenko is still out there, and I don't exactly know what to deal with that. With the league of villains still on the loose it's hard to do that... *Sigh* I don't want to lose anyone. *Looks at Bakugo* I mean, I almost lost Kachaan, but that costed Edgeshot his life... And I feel like, if I was there before Shigaraki struck then maybe Kachaan didn't have to be revived by Edgeshot... *Puts head down* I... I feel like I AM like my father.

(Author's Note: I have read the manga, but I have no clue if what I'm saying about the whole Edgeshot and Bakugo theory is true or not, but I support it!)

Nemuri: I know we lost a lot of great heroes... But you don't have to put the whole blame on yourself... And you had no idea that you're father was the biggest villain of all time. So you don't have to be upset... *Hugs Izuku* Just stay calm and take your time of being a hero and things will be alright-.


-Izuku and Nemuri went inside to the room after they heard Bakugo yell, and everyone was on the edge as they saw...

-Izuku and Nemuri went inside to the room after they heard Bakugo yell, and everyone was on the edge as they saw

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Izuku: What the hell...? *Hugs Eri* Eri, are you alright?

Eri: I'm alright papa, but that thing almost got me and Grandma Inko.

-Bakugo has some strings floating coated in his nitroglycerin sweat ready to fight, and Kaminari was about electrocute the strange hole as Izuku was approaching it very carefully.

Izuku: What is this? Is this a portal or something? *Steps back a little, but feels like he's being pulled in* Why is it-? *Wind starts pulling Izuku and the others in* GUYS! HOLD ON! IT'S PULLING ME-! *Gets sucked into the portal* IN!


Eri: PAPA! *Goes in as well*

Ochako: ERI NO! *Tries to grab Eri but ends up falling into the portal as well* AHHH!

-This where almost everyone said screw it and went after the three as the entire group was going into the portal as someone had a small drone in the room watching the show...


Team Class 1-A and Team Class 1-B are now collected Mr. Commissioner! Although I kind of wish that we could have welcomed them ourselves...


History rewards the bold my dear little rabbit, and if I just approached them then they'll attack me. But no matter, prepare the rooms for the teams.


Yes sir! *Leaves*


Now then...

Now then

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Time... For the Games... To begin.


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