Part 3

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Next Day
Yn's pov-

I'm on the way for my office in my car 🚗
I was driving peacefully and then God sended a really pretty gift for me that
my lovely car stopped on a road

Thankfully I was on a side of the road
I went out of the car to see what happened
I mean

I saw my car's Tyre was punchered

And I was like "Seriously"

I'm not even that person who can ask for help so I called my driver

I go everywhere by my own but my dad, mom go out in the car with the driver

I told the driver to get a mechanic with him so that my precious time can be saved

Yn: Thankyou God, I'm very lucky that you gave me this great opportunity to stand like an idiot on the road

I said while looking up in the sky
literally I shouted as no-one was there who could listen to me except God if he is not busy in solving other's problems

(Disclaimer: If you think that I'm disrespecting God so don't think that coz I'm showing this as a friendly relation with God, in a positive way and I'm really Sorry if you really couldn't understand my point)

Then I saw A car coming. well It was a little far from me and what would I have to do. that car would not stop for me

I was waiting for the driver to come

And a miracle happened...that car stopped infront of me

And At the same time the driver and mechanic came. The mechanic started repairing the car

A person came out of the car and stood in front of me

Yn: youu??

Tae: yess me

He said with a smile, a small smile

Tae: what happened why are you here??

Yn: I was going office and this car stopped in between

I said kinda...sadly not sadly don't know how..uhh disappointedly

Tae: I'll drop you come

Yn: no, I'll go myself

Tae: hey listen our dad's are waiting for us in your office

Driver: mam you should go it will take time to be repaired

I agreed and went with Taehyung

In the whole ride we both were silent
Idk why but it seems like Taehyung is not very rude as he insisted me to come with him with a smile on his face

As we both reached the office
I came out of the car and went inside and Taehyung drove the car In the parking

I went in my dad's cabin where he was sitting with Taehyung's dad

I bowed in front of them
And sat

Yn's dad: Yn, meet He is Mr.Kim

Idk why dad was introducing Taehyung's dad to me coz I already know him

Yn: I know him then why...

Yn's dad: not as a Coo. He is my best friend

Yn: Ohh...I didn't knew this

T/appa: but Taehyung know your dad

Yn: Sir and Dad why did you called me and Taehyung here

T/appa: how did you know Taehyung is also called here

Yn's dad: yess??

Yn: actually my car stopped on the
road so Taehyung gave me a lift for here

I was telling the whole story what happened and Taehyung entered and we all started discussing about some official work

After sometime they both went to their own office

Time Skip

My driver drove my car here in the office after repairing

And today I'm going in a Cafe as Min Jae insisted me.....

To be continued.... if you like it and you can suggest your army friends to have a look after this story


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