Chapter 1

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All these words kept running through her head and no one ever knew. Sarah was a girl who liked to be alone, think and never be the center of attention. Her friends would always be with her don't get her wrong she loved to be with her friends but there are times she wants to be alone. But they didn't understand that. They didn't know what was going on.... or what it was leading to.


"Hi Sarah." Anna was almost always the first person to greet Sarah in the morning.
"Hey." Sarah did the same thing everyday mumbled a hello or smiled. Of coarse she would never let anyone know her little secret of deppresseion or self harm. They would always come to conclusions. All except one....
Jamie. Jamie understood what was going on she knew how it felt, she never blamed her or came to conclusions like the rest she had her own problems. They would sit on the hill and talk and talk and talk. But than silence would over come and Sarah knew what it mean't... It's time she would go and talk to her other friends or tried since she was just acting and think...
"The monsters inside of us are going to consume us. All they want is the destroy us and they wouldn't stop time they won... and it looks like they are winning." There was two other people that knew of it, Andrew and Breanna. Breanna knew about the depression not the selfharm. Andrew on the other hand knew most of it; he knew she cut herself, tried killing herself multiple times, knew she was suffering but never showed it. He knew 'cause he too suffered.

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