1. Gentleman

33 0 0

Wc: 7.9k
Warnings: jealousy, (slight) exhibitionism kink, (kind of) cheating ig? Not really actually

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University had been tough for Gracie, but lucky enough, today was the first day of her last year. She had been looking forward to this ever since her first mental breakdown about a deadline in her second year, and now she was getting extremely close.

It hadn't been easy, juggling work, school and a social life, but she'd managed it. Sure, the social part was a little bit neglected at times, but she would usually make up for it with a very drunken night and a killing hangover.

The kick-off class found place in the biggest classroom on campus, providing enough space for all last year students to sit there.

As Gracie walked in there, her eyes immediately started scanning the room and soon enough found her best friend, Marina sitting in the third front row with her boyfriend Duke. Gracie gave them a weak wave, slightly disappointed at the sight of him next to her, and made her way over to the couple.

Marina had been Gracie's friend since first year, where they'd met during orientation week. Ever since then, they'd been the best of friends. Marina really helped Gracie come out of her shell when it came to boys, mainly because she was so educated about the subject herself. Gracie had always been grateful for the confidence her best friend had fueled in her.

Gracie liked Duke too, he wasn't mean or anything, but he was just always... there. Sometimes she really missed being solely with her best friend, even though it sounded a bit selfish.

"Hey!" Marina greeted happily.

"Hi." Gracie responded with a smile. "All moved in yet?"

Marina and Duke had been together for exactly two years now, and Marina really wanted to get an apartment together since the first month. Luckily, Gracie managed to convince her to wait some time at least, and after the honeymoon phase was over, her natural sense kicked back in and did the job.

But the idea had resurfaced recently and they'd made it a reality. Gracie was surprised to see how up for it Duke was. He'd found a lovely place just ten minutes away from campus with loads of windows and had been driving Marina around to find the perfect furniture.

"Absolutely! We found this table that–" Marina suddenly stopped in her words, leaving her mouth open as she eyed something by the door. "Holy shit..."

When Gracie turned around to see what she was gawking at, her own eyes widened automatically.

In walked Harry Styles, a very beloved and notorious guy at this university. He was known for getting with a lot of people, and it was even rumored that professors were included too. Gracie could not blame them, he was stupid hot and on top of that very charming, but nonetheless she was glad to never have been a target of him and his flirty antics. In fact, she'd always done her very best to avoid any chance of that happening.

Gracie did have to admit, though, that when she saw him walking in with shoulder length hair, she questioned all the choices she had ever made on the aspect that concerned him.

Of course she had known that he had been growing his hair out — Marina could not stop talking about it — but it this was great difference with before the summer. He was also wearing a pink dress shirt with white polka dots on it, paired with black jeans and Chelsea boots. It was a bright color, unlike the neutrals he had been wearing before.

Gracie realized that she'd been staring a little too long when his eyes suddenly landed hers, causing blood to rush to her cheeks in no time. She averted her gaze, covering up her embarrassment by looking the other way and scratching her neck.

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