11. Kartik & Naira

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"She's got an ankle sprain. I've ruled out a fracture, but it's a pretty bad sprain. She'll have to rest it for at least 48 hours."

Dr. Avinash Rao handed me a prescription.

"These should help with the pain. As for the head injury, she most likely has a concussion. On top of that, she had alcohol in her system at the time of the injury. I suggest you admit her to the hospital for observation."

"No," I replied. "She doesn't want to go to the hospital.

Avinash sighed. "Kartik, she needs to be monitored all night. A concussion and alcohol are not good mixes. You can't monitor her all night."

"Yes, I can. Leave me a list of the warning signs I should look out for." I told him dryly.

"Kartik, I told you not to overexert yourself. Yet you carried her in here. Now you want to stay up all night too?" Avinash's tone turned serious. "How are you? Are you doing okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, old man. It was nothing. Now are you going to continue lecturing me or are you going to give me the list?"

Avinash glared at me before handing me the paper. "These are the warning signs you have to look out for. If she starts showing any of these symptoms, call me right away."

He picked up his bag. "You take advantage of the fact that I'm both your friend and your doctor, Kartik. Just because I'm your friend, doesn't mean you don't have to listen to my medical advice."

I'd had enough of this lecture. "You're lucky you're my friend Avi. Otherwise, I would fire you already."

Avinash heaved another resigned sigh. "Sure Kartik. Take care of yourself."

Then he left the apartment, leaving me alone with my raging thoughts and a wounded Naira.

Two minutes later, I stopped in the doorway of my room. Naira was in my bed, rubbing her forehead and groaning.

"How are you doing?"

She turned towards the door at the sound of my voice. I walked up to the bed.

"My head feels like a bomb exploded inside of it." Naira's words slurred as a result of both the lingering effects of the champagne and the sedatives Avi had given.

"You didn't have to do...do all this Mr. Goenka."

I pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down. "You shouldn't have pulled that stunt then, Miss Singhania. It's like you were asking to die."

My calm tone betrayed the restlessness happening inside me. Thoughts about what could have happened had she not overpowered the attacker made my stomach churn.

"No one asks to die, Kartik." Naira's voice was so soft, I almost didn't hear it.

The vulnerability in her voice when she said my name and the unshed tears in her eyes made my chest squeeze in an unknown way.

"Mumma didn't ask for it." Her voice cracked and a tear spilled down her cheek.

I froze. She never mentioned her mother before. It was well known that Akshara Singhania had died due to a car crash. Naira had been in the car with her. But that was all I knew about the story.

Before I could stop myself, my thumb wiped the stray tear from her cheek. Naira closed her eyes at my touch.

"You are so cruel Mr. Goenka, you know that?"

I knew.

"But you are honest. Yo-you t-tell the truth." She was slurring her words even more now.

"You're right. Everywhere I go, trouble follows. It's all...all my fault...all my fault...." Naira's eyes closed as she fell into a sedated slumber.

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