넷: Everybody Wants You

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"I'll call you once I get home."

Soobin forgot about that, not deliberately obviously, but he did in fact not remember that. He was too tired and immediately went ahead to bed.

The next day, neither of them talked to each other. As they walked past each other on the hallways, Yeonjun didn't notice Soobin's presence and vice versa.

"Did you two get into a fight?" Shuhua had her lunch plate put down, as she sat down across Soobin, expression completely pissed.


"You and the eye candy guy."

"No. It's lunch time, what're you so bitter for?"

"Nothing, I'm just stressed with tons of stuff. Also, why were you two absent yesterday?"

"We were hungover. Besides we woke up two hours after the school started."

Heejin walked over the table with empty hands, arms crossed on her chest. She took out her phone from her pocket and sat down beside Shuhua.

"What's wrong?" Soobin asked, while taking a bite into his lunch barbeque fried chicken.

"Nothing," answered Heejin. She continued to scroll on her Instagram.

"Her credit card got frozen by her dad because she went shopping too much at Apgujeong this month," chimed in Chani, who decided to sit across Heejin.

"Sounds festive to me."

"It wasn't even that serious! I bought clothes from Lulu Lemon and accidentally overspent because I misread the zeros.."

"You spent fourty million won, Heejin," added Sanha who decided to sit beside Chani. "She literally read it as four hundred thousand won and then asked us to help her reassure her mom she was right so that her mom could defend her in front of her dad."

"Did you guys reassure her mom?"

"Obviously not," responded Shuhua, Chani, and Sanha all at once with a flat tone.

"I hate you guys."

"Well, it's not our fault we can read," replied Chani.

"How long will you be grounded like that?" Soobin asked, even when he didn't really care.

"Until she pays off all of it," she wept.

"Fair enough."

"In the mean time, you can earn some money by working part time as a social media manager," offered Shuhua.

"For what?"

"Soojin and I decided to open a thrift shop. The grand opening will be next Friday-all of you guys are pretty much invited-and you can help me to manage the instagram and tiktok," explained Shuhua.

"Sure. The pay-"

"Seoul minimum wage weekly pay," interrupted Shuhua, knowing what the rest of her sentence would be.

"Thank you, Shua!" Heejin hugged her friend who threw her a joking disgusted look instead.

"By the way, if you guys want to donate clothes, hit me up," added Shuhua.

"Can I donate my brother instead? I'm sick of him," replied Chani.

"Absolutely not. We're a thrift store, not a landfill," answered Shuhua. "Any other questions?"

"Will Soojin's sister be there on the grand opening?" Sanha asked with sparkle of hope in his eyes.

"Yes, but no flirting."

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