chapter 7. meet my ex

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Dennys pov

Week before talageda

I wake up to the smell of bacon,egg, and tost.i walk into the kitchen and see kyle makein brakefest "oh morning bebe how are you?" he askd me "I'm great. You making brekfest?" I ask him "yep figured i do something special for you" he tells me "aww thanks babe" I tell him "anything for you My love" he then kisses me on the cheek and I blush a tiny bit

I then start makeing myself coffee and sit at the dinning room table when I get a call

It's from joey lagano... my ex boyfriend

(d=denny. J=joey)

d: what do you want Joey?
J: I want to get back together
d: Joey. You know I'm with kyle
J: come on denny. Ditch that ugly asshole and get back with me
d: he'll no. I love kyle. He treats me better then you ever did
J: I cab do better I promise. Here, why don't you and kyle come to my place later this afternoon
d: ok fine. But no funny business or I will kick your ass
J:see you then

Joey's pov

After I hung up the phone I sit on the couch thinking on how to get rid of kyle
Then it hit me... MURDER
First IL be romantic around denny. To the point where kyle thinks he's cheating on him with me
Then IL go to his moterhome and stab him
And then IL hide the body
And to make sure that denny doesn't get in the way. IL knock him out and tie him up in my bedroom

now to wait

1:25pm. Kyle's pov

We knock on the door and joey greets us "oh hello. About time you showed up. Please come on in," we then walked in and took a seat on the couch

"So denny. What we did last night was amazing " I see denny look at joey in confusion "what are you talking about?
" joey then responds with "you don't remember? We had that big dinner date. You told Me how you missed me and you wanted me back. I ofc said yes"

I then loom a denny and asked "dennu what's the fuck his talking about?" He then looks at me "kyle what he is saying is a lie. I never cheat on you" I start getting angry "tell Mr more joey" joey clears his throat and starts talking "we
Had a date last night an-** I then grabbed joey and thought him into the wall " If you think I'm going to believe your fucking lie then you better get your head checkd" I then thow him back on the ground "cmon Hamlin let's go" we then walk away with Hamlin looking a bit scared. I didn't mean to scare him tho I was just trying to show logano his place

We then get back into the moterhome and sit on the couch. Denny falls asleep in my arms. So I carry him to bed take off My jeans,puts some shorts on,and we both fall asleep.

End of chapter

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