Chapter eleven

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Y/n sat next to Zoro as he feel asleep, he was tired and he didn't feel like fighting with her.

A orange headed girl looked at them and questioned if they were dating, as Y/I'd twin brother, was giving her food.

Y/n stared at York's sleeping form for about two hours before she decided to, go do something useful for the crew.

As I got up, a huge shadow was over our ship, wood started to fall, and as I looked up a ship was falling, it fell into the ocean next to ours.

I simply, walked opened the ship door and walked into the kitchen as they shouted and ran around outside.

I then sat on the ground as they ship went left and right, After it was finished, I walked outside, and saw robin as well, I looked up at the sky.

And ignored there conversation, cause it was boring until she said something about the compass pointing up and a island in the sky.

I looked at robin then said,"Y/n is confused how can a island be in the sky?" She smiled at me, "It's settled then are going to sky island!" luffy shouted pointing his hand up to the air, and then Usopp said something about going there too.

"There's got to be something wrong islands can't float in the sky, there something wrong with our log post that's it!" Nami said, "You should really learn to trust your instruments Ms. Navigator." Robin did with a smile at the end.

"Well how are we gonna get there its not like we can fly." Sanji said, as luffy was on the ground cause Robin used her power to put two hands in luffy mouth.

"I'm not sure I've only heard stories about it" Robin said, "No it makes no sense!" Nami said,Robin looked at her,"I bet that needle is pointing towards an island I would bet my life on it."

Now I'm digging drought the dead mans clothes for anything useful, "That disgusting digging through a dead mans clothes!" Chopper said, "That man has been dead for 200 years I think." Robin said looking at the already rotted body.

"I can also say with confidence this man was in his early thirty's when he died, it most of been during his voyages that he sercomed  to his illness whatever it was with the rest of his bones his teeth has remained in surprisingly good condition, because he rubbed tare on them it was a common practice in the west blue to keep out infections, I suspect he was with a adventurer party" To no in said looking at the book that I had found on the man.

She then turned the page, "Here it is the brush Kingdom of the south blue!" She said

"They lunched the say brush as a scout ship 208 years ago" She then said, looking at the book, "That it that's the ship that feel on use!" Nami shouted, "It is I recognize that ship head" Zoro then said.

I sat on the ground cause my legs were hurting,"Its amazing what you can tell from looking at old bones" Nami then said to robin,"I'm sure you heard that dead men tell no tails, that everything around then does if this was if this was a Scouting party we should find evidence on that on the Sent brist " Robin, "Yeah" Nami replied.

"Except its sinking like a stone" Nami said, "Y/n sees luffy drowning" Y/n said looking at the ocean,"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT YOU CAN'T SWIM!!!" Nami shouted at luffy as said.

After Y/n got Luffy out of the water, he said "You won't believe it I could the most incredible thing!" He said opening a piece of paper and siphoning us it was actually a map to Skypiea aka sky island.

"A map to sky island!!!" Everyone shouted except for Y/n who looked at the map and said, "Y/n wants to know how that thing has survived all these years and falling from the sky and in water for so long?"

"Its called skypiea then its true there really is a island up there!?" Nami said ignoring
Y/n, Y/n just looked over Bank's shoulder to the map, as she stood up and then sat back down next to the railing.

I sat on the ground and looked up to the sky then up ahead, "Y/n is going to sky island with Y/I'd friends" she said. "This might be fun for Y/n" Y/n said looking up at her friends

After all she works with Robin so they mean little to her, she said she would help Robin not the crew

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After all she works with Robin so they mean little to her, she said she would help Robin not the crew.

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