chapter one

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Scully sighed as she got in the 1990 Ford Taurus she and Mulder were renting.

"Where to, my lady?" Mulder asked

"23-year-old patient at Princeton Plainsborough, claims to have been attacked by a ghost," Scully replied, distracted as she read the file. Mulder started the engine as they pulled out of the car rental.

"She has many wounds consistent with assault  and a minor con-"

"Did they print the house?" Mulder interrupted

"Mulder, it's a psychiatric problem. There were no signs of a break-in, and they couldn't find any security footage"

"Yes, but did they print the house?"

"No." Scully sighed, awaiting Mulder to reply

"Ok," Mulder replied as he turned left. Scully resumed reading the file.

"But you said her Injuries were consistent with assault,"

"Yes, but she-"

"Let's go see for ourselves then," Mulder said as he pulled into the Princeton Plainsborough hospital parking lot. Scully sighed as she and Mulder jumped out of the car. They walked into the foyer of the hospital. They were greeted by a nurse in the lobby.

"Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, FBI," Mulder said to the nurse. The nurse looked at them in confusion. Scully read her badge.

"Nurse Gogen, we are here to see a patient under the name of Julia Sparr."

"O-of course, just let me call my supervisor, ok?" Gogen said as she dialed the phone: "Cuddy, there are agents from the FBI here for a patient, yes, uh huh, ok, thanks bye!"

Moments later a middle-aged woman with curly hair and a fashionable suit, not unlike Scully, walked out

"Lisa Cuddy, dean of medicine" She extended her hand to the agents, and Mulder shook her hand.

"Agents Mulder and Scully, pleased to meet you," Mulder replied. Scully sighed, as Mulder was always womanizing.

"Please, follow me," Cuddy said as she walked towards the elevator.

"Could you please tell us a bit more about Julia?" Scully requested.

"Yes, a 23-year-old female called emergency services as she suspected a break-in, the operator heard her screaming and suspected an attack, sending officers and an ambulance over. When they arrived, they found her unconscious on the ground with multiple wounds from the collision and bruises on her neck and wrists. Was initially brought to New Mercy, but under Dr. Houses' request, was brought here." She said as the elevator door closed.

"I'm sorry, Dr. House?" Scully inquired

"Yes, Dr. House, diagnostician. He sure is a pain in the ass, but smart as a whip." Cuddy sighed as the elevator dinged. Scully gave Mulder a look as Mulder grinned. They walked onto the third floor and neared her room.

"CUDDY!" A voice shouted from behind them.  Cuddy sighed and said, "You go ahead, room 318." She turned around and faced the man as Mulder and Scully proceeded to the room, stopping at the nurses' station to grab Julia's chart.

"Who are they, why are they looking for Julia?" House demanded

"Quiet! They are from the FBI," Cuddy glared at house.

Mulder giggled at Scully "That's your man, Scully!"

Scully barely looked up from the chart "You and he would get along well"

"We will see, Scully, we will see." Mulder sighed as they proceeded to walk to Julia's room. Mulder lightly tapped on the glass as he opened the door

"Julia Sparr? I'm Agent Mulder and this is Agent Scully. We are from the FBI, we're gonna try and help you, ok?" He explained as Scully pulled up a chair next to Julia.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Scully asked gently. Julia stared up in fear. They heard a pounding at the door as it flew open, and house walked in, limping.

"She's not talking to anyone. Nothing happened, she's anemic and has hallucinations." House glared at the two.

"You must be house, I'm Dana Scully." Scully extended a hand

"Are you sure you aren't a hooker? You're too pretty to be in the FBI" House sneered.

"Let's do this elsewhere, please" Mulder led them out of the room" They stood outside of Julia's room. Another doctor walked into Julia's room.

"So, fox, I've heard a bit about you." House started.

"As I with you," Mulder replied. House glared and pulled an orange pill bottle out of his pocket. He emptied it and took the remaining 3 without water.

"So," Mulder was interrupted

"I NEED A CRASH CART IN HERE, TACHYCARDIA." the doctor shouted. A nurse ran into the room pushing a cart. Scully whipped around and watched as they shocked her. The doctor ran out and said to house:

"This is more than anemia."

"You don't say? Go get foreman and thirteen" house barked. "And I'll see you later," he said to the agents

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