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AN: Realized while writing this chapter that MythBusters might be the reason why I stylized DanceMania the way I do since it's not written that way on the show. This was supposed to cover Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. And then I spent two pages on Monday night.

Richelle barely makes it back to the dressing room before she strips her skirt off. She resists the urge to ball it up, out of respect for the costumers, and hangs it up. She hates the top significantly less, but it's still a relief to be back in her own clothes for the bus ride back to the hotel.

After a stop to promise Nick that Jacquie will be back in her own room by curfew they head up to Richelle's room. Jacquie puts MythBusters on, but it's really more of a pretense to be in Richelle's room together than something they actually plan on watching.

"I missed you," Richelle says quietly a few episodes later. The weight of her girlfriend on top of her is much better at helping her regulate everything than the weight of her snow leopard is. Aside from her sisters, Jacquie and Noah are the only people who see her this vulnerable. It's taken her a long time to even get to this point, but she's a little proud of how far she's come.

I missed you too, Riche." Jacquie's response vibrates across her chest, slightly unpleasantly. So when she starts talking again Richelle pushes her off. Her stuffed animal will suffice if it means she doesn't have to feel Jacquie talking. "I'm excited—a little warning next time." Richelle just giggles and sticks her tongue out in response. "As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted; I'm excited to see Noah this weekend."

Richelle excitedly shakes her hands and head a little bit. She's still getting used to stimming around Jacquie. Even before she really knew how to mask and "fit in" she masked her stims. Her hands and body were "too loud", which doesn't make any sense, even in dance, where she should've been allowed to move. So even when she's not actively masking she has to remember she's allowed to stim (although sometimes that instinct gets overridden by extreme emotion).

She startles a little and sits up when there's a knock on the door. Even though it's her room, Richelle still looks over at Jacquie, only to get a shrug in response. Richelle's about to check the time and make sure they (Jacquie) haven't missed curfew again, when there's another knock. Figuring it's probably important, because what else could be the cause for knocking this late, Richelle throws her DanceMania hoodie on over her tank top. She's definitely not expecting to see the 10-year-old Lionettes on the other side.

"Hi, is Jacquie here?" The taller of the two asks shyly. Richelle should probably learn their names if they're coming to her room looking for her girlfriend.

"We asked that weird, tall, British guy 'cause he kept coming and talking to her group during rehearsals, and he said she was here. Your solo was really good by the way." The shorter one asks, barely pauses to breathe.

"Oh, uh, thank you." She pauses to process everything else they said. "Yeah, Jacquie's here. Just give me one second to go get her." Richelle awkwardly leaves the kids in the hallway with her door open. "The Lionettes are here? They're looking for you."

Jacquie doesn't seem confused to hear that so she's one step ahead of Richelle, but knowing who's at the door she pauses at the mirror above the desk to make sure she's presentable to children. "Hey guys."

"Hi Jacquie. Thank you for helping us during the group round. My mom said to give you these." The shorter girl thrusts out a green box of cookies.

"You're welcome. I had a lot of fun working with you guys. Thank you for the cookies."

"You're welcome. Bye." And then they take off down the hallway giggling.

Richelle closes the door behind them and then her and Jacquie burst out laughing. "Well, that was unexpected." Jacquie comments once they've both stopped laughing.

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