Chapter 07

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"I fucking take it back, I can't do this anymore." Ae-rin felt her stomach churn. She's been hungry because of how much energy she exerted earlier but seeing the unappetizing "food" in front of her made her lose her appetite.

"Fuck it. I don't want to eat anymore." Il-ha swore after discerning whatever is on his plate.

"What is this?" Hee-rak asks, stabbing the clump of rice with his chopsticks, "This looks like rice cake."

"This is gross!"

"I think it went bad!"

"I'm serious!"

"Try it!"

"Guys, it doesn't taste that bad, I swear," Jang-soo told them after tasting the Japchae, "Aren't we all hungry? Even if you aren't, we need to eat to regain the energy we used earlier. I don't think they will be lenient even if we pass out from hunger."

Ae-rin sighs, having a staring contest with the tray full of food in front of her. Looking at the table, her other classmates were already forcing themselves to eat no matter how much they hated the food. And seeing them made Ae-rin feel bad. If they can eat it, who is she to act spoiled?

Japchae, a clump of rice that looks like a rice cake, three pieces of kimchi, and a few pieces of unidentified meat covered with bread crumbs. Out of all of them, the meat seems okay. Picking up a piece of unidentified meat from her tray, she took her first bite. It was so-so, but when she looked at the meat, it almost made her puke.

"Guys, I think my meat is alive."


With growling stomachs, the Class— Platoon Two trudges their way towards the classroom where their next training is located. Seeing that they were doing it in a classroom, Ae-rin is thankful that they wouldn't be doing anything physical today.

"The creature in my stomach wasn't satisfied with his meal." Tae-man stated as they sat on the chair, rubbing his stomach with a frown.

"Neither am I." So-Yeon agreed.

"I miss my Mom's cooking." Soon-Yi's lips begin to tremble and her eyes start to water.

But before it could escalate, So-Yoon immediately reacted, "Soon-Yi, don't start please. My head is throbbing, don't make it worse."

Soon-Yi sniffled, pouting as she bowed her head and tried to keep her tears in bay. She cannot help it, she's sad so she can't keep herself from crying.

"Are you okay?" Il-ha leaned on her ears.

Ae-rin flinches when she feels his warm breath on her neck. Guess, she was spacing out again. Na-ra, who was sitting beside her felt her flinch so she mindlessly turned to look at her, but seeing Il-ha's face close to Ae-rin and the lass didn't look uncomfortable, she chose to stay quiet and avert her eyes.

"No," Ae-rin answered honestly, "I'm hungry and in pain."

Il-ha places his hand on top of hers, drawing circles on the back of her hand. But Ae-rin pulls her hand back, "Il-ha, we're not together anymore. You don't have to worry about me because it's not your responsibility." she stated bluntly.

"Even before, worrying about you never felt like a duty to me. We were friends before we broke up. I can't just stop caring about you." Il-ha answered, gone were the douche comments and rude behaviour, nor the playfulness in his voice. This proves that the immature Kwon Il-ha could also be serious and mature.

"Friends." Ae-rin smiles. She has been asking herself that before, if Il-ha really treated her like his friend or she was just pushing herself to him.

Not that long after, Lieutenant Lee finally entered the room with his usual intimidating aura. As soon as he steps in front of the classroom, he immediately starts the lesson by putting up an instructional guide on the board.

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