Chapter 6

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I woke up and I was in Jack's arms I can't believe I barely met him and I'm already cuddling with him but I was into him
I turned around to see if he was still awake
I accidentally woke him up when I turned around
"Morning beautiful" he said in his raspy voice oh god he was so hot
"Morning" I smiled at him
"Let's go downstairs and eat some breakfast I'm hungry" he said
"Alright" I said getting up and he got up too
I couldn't help but look at his abs he had such a nice body
"Before we go downstairs can you do me a favor" he asked
"Yea what is it" I said
"Kiss me" he said
He walked up to me and grabbed my face he put his tongue in my mouth
He is an amazing kisser
Me and Jack were still into the kiss when I hear some one walk in
Me and Jack stopped and turned around and it was Johnson
I was so relieved I thought it was Nate
"Umm sorry for interrupting but Sam made come in here and make sure you were ok but I guess you are" he said
"Yea I'm fine thanks" I said
It was awkward
"Well let's go downstairs" I said
As they both followed me
As I walked down there only Sam was there
"Um where's Nate?" I asked
"He went to go buy some food" said Johnson
I walked over to the fridge to get some water my mouth was so dry
"Hey Sam" I told him
He didn't even say hi back he rolled his eyes and walked away
That was weird I don't know what I did
"Gilinsky can I talk to you outside?" Asked Sam
Sam walked out mad and Jack right after him
"What's going on with Sam?" I asked Johnson
"I don't know he's been mad since last night" he said
"But why?" I asked
"Look I don't know what happened but he seemed really upset when he came back downstairs after he took you to your room then like a half an hour later he went to go check on you again and he came back mad but I think I know why he is mad because you Jack hooked up" he said
"We didn't even go that far we just kissed and cuddled and why would he be mad about that" I said getting mad myself
"So do you like Jack" he asked me
"Look Jack please don't tell anyone that you saw us kissing alright especially my brother he will go crazy" I said
"I won't but you never answered my question" he said
"Well I think he's really nice and sweet" I said
"You do!" He said all excited
"Why are you so happy about that." I said
"Alright don't tell Jack I told you this but when you were drunk he told me that he thought you were really cute and funny and he also said that he didn't even know you and he already liked you that's why he was shy to talk to you at first he always gets shy to talk to a girl he likes" he said
"Really" I said I could feel my cheeks getting red

Me and Gilisnky went to the back yard to talk
"What's up bro" he said
"What the fuck is wrong with you" I yelled at him I was so mad
"What do you mean" he asked
"You hooked up with Nat last night like that's your friends little sister"
"Woah we didn't even go that far I just kissed her and we cuddled that's it" he said
"You better not fucking hurt her or I swear I will kill you I don't care if you are my friend" I yelled
"I really like her bro and why are you yelling at me for kissing my "friend's little sister when you did too she told me everything because your a dick and left her crying" he yelled back
"She was drunk and out of it I know she didn't mean it" I
"Really than why was she crying" he said
"She cried? But that doesn't matter bro ok you guys like each other I saw you guys cuddling it's fine she's happy just don't hurt her and you have to talk to Nate" I said
"Ok I'll give it time though I don't want to tell him right away" he said

"By the way bro I don't think she remembers that she kissed you and don't tell her ok so stop being mad at her or she'll get suspicious" he said
" ok let's go inside." I said we both walked back in and Johnson and Nat were talking
"Hey you guys are back" she said
"By the way Sam can I talk to you alone" she asked
"Yea" I said and we both walk outside
"Why are you mad at me did I do something whatever I did I'm sorry Sam you are not only Nate's best friend but you are mine too" she said
"No I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself" I said
"Why" she looked at me confused
"It's nothing really" I said
"Samuel you better tell me you can trust me I promise" she said
"Look I'm just mad because I got you drunk I should of never let you drink you are Nate's little sister and I was suppose to watch out for you but yea I'm sorry" I said
"It's ok Sam look I had fun even though I don't remember a lot" she said
I can tell
"Ok but I'm not letting you drink anymore without Skate's permission" I said
"Party pooper" she punches me in the arm
"Owww" I said she just laughs
"Let's go back inside loser" she gets up and I follow her
When we walked in Skate was back
"What up bro" I said as we did our hand shake
"Hey bro" said Nat
As she hugs Skate I don't why but it was cute
"Hey sis what's up with you today you are usually so quiet" he said
"I don't know I'm in a good mood" she said
"Hey dude can I talk to you for sec" asked Skate
I nodded my head and went to the back yard for the third time to talk privately with someone
"Dude I just wanted to ask you how do you feel about moving in with me and Nat we have extra rooms and you really make her loud and happy I haven't seen her like this in forever" he said
"Dude I would to live here" I said
"Alright but first let me ask Nat before its official we can ask her when the Jacks leave" he said
"Alright" I said
We both walked back inside
"Hey bro sorry but we have to go" said Johnson
They got their stuff and were walking
"Bye" said Nat to both of them giving them a hug
I saw Gilinsky and Nat kiss while Skate wasn't looking
Haha dorks
They both left
"Nat we need to talk to you" said Skate
"Ok" she said as we all sat down
"So I asked Sam to live with us and he said yes but I want to make sure that you are cool with him living her so how do you feel about Sam moving" he said
"Omg yes Sam is like another brother to that would be great" she said she sounded so happy
And I was happy to I finally move out of my parents and get to move in with my best friend I'm so excited
"Alright well guys I'm gonna go get my stuff" I said
"Kk" said Nat
I was to happy I wanted to move in right now
I walked into my car to go get my stuff

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