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Ethane Silvestre

Pasikat na ang araw, subalit heto pa rin ako nakatayo sa dalampasigan habang hinihintay ang pag-usbong nito.

"Ethane, apo."

I felt my grandma's soft hand on my back. I can't let out my emotions, 'cause I don't know how. My breathing was so heavy while staring at my mom's picture. I didn't even get a chance to mourn for her. He didn't give me a chance.

The only thing I did was to see my Mom's lifeless body. I was still young, I'm not even graduating in grade school. She never witnessed me wearing a toga, and put my medals on. However, that night was still fresh in me. That night when I tried so hard to escape to that hell.

Days, weeks, until months have passed when my Auntie takes care of me. That's when I got closer to Lincoln. He's never been harsh to me, he always treats me as his real brother. He's such an older brother to me.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him confused. Roaming my eyes around, since I'm not familiar with this place. The place was enormously good, you can run whatever you want to.

"To think? Ewan, I guess to refresh our minds."

I looked up to see how blue the heaven's were. It looks fascinating to the eyes, he's right; it somehow refreshes my mind. This place feels solely.

"How did you discover this place?" Sunod ko namang tinignan ang nagtataasang mga puno.

Nilingon ko siya dahil ang tagal niyang sumagot. "Nadadaanan namin nina daddy. At first, I thought na bawal tambayan 'to. Therefore I saw a girl who's seating under the tree. She's crying." Tumingala siya, na parang nag-iisip. "She seemed to be alone, and lost at the same time... kasi parang same age lang kayo."

Bumuka ang bibig ko sa sinambit niya. "Type mo?" I frankly asked, making him turn his disgust face on me. But immediately his emotion changed, then he smirked.

"I did." His smile grew wider, which sent shivers on me. "She's absolutely beautiful. She looks like an angel even though she cries."

Tumaas ang kilay ko, hindi sanay na makita siyang ganito. "Kasi yung iba, haggard na tingnan kapag umiiyak, pero siya-tarantado ka, Ethane, ang ganda niya." I held my chest on how dramatic he was!

Tumawa siya nang makita ang reaksyon ko. "Pero seryoso, dude. Para siyang panaginip. She has long black hair, and her skin at that time looks like cornstarch." Napangiwi ako.


Inilingan ko siya at iniwanan na muna roon. Gusto kong mag-isang libutin ang lugar na 'to. It feels so warm to be here. Parang gusto ko na tuloy dumalaw rito palagi. Inilinga ko ang paningin ko, appreciating the view. I thought there would be no good place in this province, but I'm wrong.

Dire-diretso lang ang lakad ko, subalit agad ring napahinto. I gave a second look to the tree I've just saw. Umawang ang labi ko nang makakita ng isang batang babae. Her eyes were closed, while her back were resting at the three.

Am I crazy? I just felt my heart pace became faster? Multo ba siya? Engkanto? Kaya ganito kabilis ang tibok ng puso ko? I never felt this feeling! I've been on extemporaneous speaking, declamation a lot of times, however I never felt this kind of nervousness. I held my chest, trying to calm my heart down.

My eyes went back to the kid, who seemed to be same age as me. She looks ethereal, she's asleep. Hence, I wonder. Why is she alone? Is she lost and getting tired of looking for her parents?


Bumilog ang mga mata ko nang may isang babaeng naglalakad sa kaniya. Siya yata ang Mama niya. Lalo naman akong kinabahan, at hindi alam ang gagawin. Do I need to run right now? Baka isipin nila spy ako!

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