Chapter 3

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Germany stands there awkwardly and blushing. He coughs to see if it'll work, of course not. Romano crosses his arms and his curl is in a heart. The first one to speak was Germany. "Eh Romano. Vould jou like to go out to a restaurant tonight?" He said with a smirk. "Y-Yeah sure you-a bastardo." Germany whispered to himself a victory.
Romano walked up stairs and got ready. Coming down in his most formal attire. Germany had already done the same and he blushes as he looks at Romano. Germany couldn't help put stare at the scrawny Italian as they left the house and drove towards the restaurant. He thought it was the best one ever. He had eaten there his whole life. Germany got out, closed his door and opened Romanos for him. Romano stepped out and smiled slightly.

(Ima stop now cause it's already midnight and I'm super duper tired from today)

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