Why did Dream do it?

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so I made part two because people were a bit confused about the last one. honestly, I never planned to make a part two but I had some new ideas for this so I decided- meh fuck it. this is basically going to go into why Dream did what he did in the vape fic and hopefully tie up some loose ends from the last story. (See the end of the work for more notes.)

As the sun set, I was left alone in my powered off car once again, in the same situation that I was too familiar with. Humidity began to fill the car as I felt sweat begin to drip down my neck, a sign that it was time for me to go home. I powered my car on with a smile and a satisfied feeling from my earlier activities.

As I drove out of the neighborhood I began to ponder upon how I had gotten to this point in my life. Why was I doing this in the first place?
It was because of him.

It was senior year when it happened.
Sapnap and I had been friends for the majority of highschool. After years of playful flirting, and sharing gazes that were far too intimate to be platonic, catching feelings were inevitable. I watched Sapnap have different girlfriends over the years, never any guys. So I decided to hide what I felt for him. Maybe it was out of shame or fear of rejection but either way I hid it until that last year.

I was lying in my bed one night, attempting to go to sleep when I heard a familiar knocking on my bedroom window. I sat up to look over and see none other than Sapnap. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the window, sliding it up to ask the man what he wanted.

"What do you want?" I said with a smirk.

"Can I sleep over? Pleaseeee," Sapnap begged.

"Why can't you just sleep at your own house?" I asked.

"I snuck out to hang with some friends," Sapnap paused. "But when I decided to go back home, the door was locked."

I sighed and fully slid the window up, allowing the boy to climb into my window. I went downstairs to get extra pillows and covers for Sapnap to use. My face went red as the thought of potentially sharing a bed with him crossed my mind. No. He would for sure be sleeping on the floor tonight. I shook the thoughts from my head as I walked back up the stairs.

When I returned to my room, I found that Sapnap was already sprawled onto my bed. I guess I'm the one who's sleeping on the floor.

I placed a blanket on the floor, swiftly throwing pillows over it. As I was about to lay down, I heard Sapnap say something which startled me. I guess I had assumed he was asleep. "Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Sapnap yawned.

"I don't know? I didn't want to make you uncomfortable," I mumbled looking back down at the blankets.

"Uncomfortable?" Sapnap laughed. "Come over here." he said, patting a spot on the bed, indicating for Dream to go onto it.

"Scared to sleep by yourself?" I rolled my eyes as I walked over to my bed.

"No I just want to cuddle...duh," Sapnap jokes.

Even though he was joking, I couldn't help but feel the need to just touch the man who was laying in my bed. Not even in a sexual manner, more like I just wanted to feel the comfort of his touch.

"Yeah. Whatever." I mumbled as I got into bed with him.

Silence enveloped the room as I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the warm boy that was laying beside me. I would give anything to be able to tell him how I feel, to tell him how long I've been in love with him. My thoughts were interrupted by an arm wrapping over me.

I looked over to see that Sapnap was actually cuddling me. I carefully flipped over to look him in the face.

"You actually want to cuddle?" I let out a laugh.

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