you absolute moron!

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"you know.. I have always wanted to say this."

My eyes were still teary after hearing an actual heartfelt and emotional confession from this man of all people. Needless to say, I was very shocked and emotional.

Sebastian Moran.

Having not expected the tirade of the poetic words he said regarding his love for me, of course I'd tear up! This womaniser, despite the long time we have spent together in the organisation, was always mysterious when it came to the matters of his heart.

If anything, at one point he actually made me feel self conscious whenever he flirted with any woman. Any woman but me, of course.

Which really made me wonder whether I am desirable to others or not. Of course I did not care for little things like that. I never really.. saw any future for me in terms of having relationships. I put all my heart and soul in helping the Moriarty brothers and our organisation for they had given me a new life.

A new life where I could actually breathe without being objectified and judged. I was given value, and the freedom to do whatever I wanted.

But, this cruel bastard was a buffoon thorough and thorough, a buffoon whom I inevitably started feeling an affinity towards after spending time together. Though of course, I didn't plan to pursue him. If anything, I had just put that thought away in the very corner of my mind. Specially after.. the kind of things I had experienced prior to the Moriarty brothers finding me.

And now this fool was confessing to me. And I teared up like a stupid teenager who never had any romantic experiences- oh right, I did not have any romantic experiences. Well, unless unwanted advantages from other men or my flirtations towards men and women alike during missions mattered, that is.

Okay, so maybe I did have a point in crying then. Even if it was embarrassing considering the imagery of an elegant woman which everyone portrayed me with was probably tarnished. Beyond any reparation.

We were alone. Well... It does seem as though we are alone but I am very much aware that the whole organisation is watching us from somewhere. I know these people very well.

William probably wanted to make sure everything went well.

Louis followed William. On top of it, Moran making a fool of himself is a fun imagery to watch and thus, that also probably prompted the other members to come for this same reason actually. Especially James who was probably chuckling his arse off.

But I love these people so I'll not say anything to ruin this moment.

Speaking of which...

"Yes?" I snapped out of my thoughts and finally urged Moran to continue.

"Since we are committed now I guess I can say this now but.. I also really like your breasts. I always wanted to say it but I positively did not want to get murdered by the members and y-"

A slap resounded across the area.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD, Is this the sort of timing to say something like this!?"

Moran was baffled. "But aren't we-"

"YOU RUINED THE MOMENT!! Oh my god, How the devil did I EVER fall for you?? Fucking pervert!"

"Oh so you did fall for me, after all."

"That's NOT the point here you absolute piece of-!!"

Nevertheless, all is well.

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